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If you get a denial from Sears dont

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by atlmom, Jun 18, 2002.

  1. atlmom

    atlmom Well-Known Member

    bother calling them to try to get an answer about what you need to get a card (credit-wise). I just got off the phone with them and BOY those women need a man or something LOL they were having TERRIBLE days it seemed. I got yelled at and snapped at and cut off. You would have thought that I owed them $500,000!! LOL they were RUDE!!! I was REALLY polite. I mean they answered the phone like ticked off hornets!! WOW I'm surprised that I survived! Course operator #1 made me feel like I had the worse credit she had ever seen (it's not THAT bad and the 2 accts she kept refrencing, are being disputed right now).

    I was just calling to satisfy my curiosity, I've heard of people calling and getting cards, guess Sears and I are NOT meant to be business partners LOL I'll never shop there again, or Lands' End, now that Sears owns them also....

    Just thought you all might like to know, to save ya some time......Sears....stinks! ;-)
  2. SisterGirl

    SisterGirl Well-Known Member

    You are TOO FUNNY !!!!!!

    I thought it was me that was the problem whenever I called;but your post just cracked me up.

    I swore that I would NEVER carry that card again(nor shop that store) due to the way that their customer service/executive relations depts treated me.

    However,I still sleep nights without them & I'm certain they do too(but I spent a lot of money with them b/4 that).

    Sister Girl
  3. atlmom

    atlmom Well-Known Member

    LOL I'm so glad that it's not just me, I have a list of people that I'm avoiding at all costs (credit and businesswise) because of lousy customer (non)Service. This was their last chance, all they had to do was be nice! LOL guess that's too much to ask!

    Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone :)
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    If you get a denial from Sears dont

    I'll never shop there again, or Lands' End, now that Sears owns them also....
    Sister Girl
    So why do you shop bankers and insurers who are treating you ten times as bad as Sears?
  5. uhackthis

    uhackthis Well-Known Member

    What exactly is your point, LB?
  6. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    I can't beleive you don't get it.
    QUOTE]Originally posted by uhackthis

    What exactly is your point, LB?
    It just seems odd that one would get all bent out of shape over minor infractions while accepting major ones with out a whimper:
  7. atlmom

    atlmom Well-Known Member

    Actually my whole point was how b*tchy the women I spoke with were, nothing more. I hate rude people and seeing as I can't hunt them down I just have to boycott their employer......... And what major ones am I accepting anyway? I'm honestly curious because I don't use credit like you probably think. I pay cash for almost everything, I keep a few cards so that I can get loans, for car or house is all.....

    But hey who am I to try to explain myself to you, you're all knowing right? hmmmm Are you really Ralph Nader in disguise?
  8. matty61184

    matty61184 Well-Known Member

    lbrown, I am sick and tired of watching you pointlessly making snide and harassing remarks towards others on this board. If you can't play nice, get out.
  9. AustinGuy

    AustinGuy Well-Known Member

    I have a friend who used to work for Bank One. He told me the first thing they did whenever they pulled someone's credit report was to run a big line through a Sear's account (if they had one). He said they were so unreliable that they didn't care what was on the report from them. Of course, this was in the days before FICO was so widespread so not sure if they do it now.
  10. mj

    mj Well-Known Member

    It's not Sears (per se) - it's their credit service provider, TSYS.

    This is the same company who provides services (which could include phone customer service, bill preparation, card imprinting, new account processing/scoring, collections, payment processing) for ...

    - Circuit City (FNANB)
    - Bank of America
    - Navy Federal CU
    - Nordstrom (store + Visa)
    - Wells Fargo
    - Citigroup
    - Chase
    - Chrysler (Visa)
    - Royal Bank
    - Providian
    - Target
    - Lane Bryant/Fashion Bug/Catherines
    - American Express
    - CIBC
    - BankOne
    - MBNA

    If you got a nasty person on the phone, you should have spoken with a supervisor.

    Another thought - look at your bureau and ask youself, "would you give this person credit?"

    The "it's not so bad" line of thinking may sound good to you, but the scoring systems and underwriters need hard facts, and if you look like a bad risk, then they must decline you. Sears (and many other issuers) will not underwrite credit for anyont with any negative information on their credit histories. Period.

    THAT, however, is not a reason to treat anyone like crap. It could be errors on your report - you could be a millionaire who just forgets to pay a bill now and then. You could also have a ton of Sears stock in an inheritance. Who knows ... so always be nice to the person on the other end of the phone.

    I'd PFB a letter to Sears and see what happens.

  11. atlmom

    atlmom Well-Known Member

    The person that I spoke with identified herself as being with Sears National Bank (yeah I know that's a load of whooey I'm sure lol)

    At any rate, it's not that I got declined THAT IS FINE WITH ME I AM NOT UPSET....LOL sorry to yell, but it's like people think I'm all mad that I got upset. LOL i'm not I swear!! LOL I'm mad that the lady was dealing with a VERY pleasant potential customer and she acted like I was calling up there cursing her name and her children or something. I was being VERY VERY VERY friendly, actually I probably was too nice to the witch but I digress............

    And she kept referring to TWO bad lines on my credit and both are being disputed and I did NOT care WHY I was turned down I was looking for something along the lines of "we need 2 years good payment history and 5years since last bad debt activity" or something similar....not a lashing, hell I didn't do ANYTHING wrong, I was nice, polite and was VERY respectful....she on the other hand was NONE of these things.

    And I did get a supervisor, who I think was told some weird crap story because she treated me like I was scum of the earth also.....so who knows! LOL

    All I know is that I won't deal with Sears anymore and I would strongly caution others to do the same.....but that's me ;)

    Thanks for the info, I have a Providian card....go figure! LOL (I'm closing it ASAP though)
  12. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    LB- We all get your friggen point. We know, we know it is all a scam. I have a question for you. As a mobile home broker do you only accept cash? I doubt it. PLEASE go away. Everyone knows what you think. I really think that you need some help. To bad Doc is on vacation. You need a good Psychologist. Quit ruining all these threads. PBM- Where are you? I think that this is MUCH worse then what was going on with Bkev and creditwrench!
  13. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Sorry PBM. I have emailed you. I just read your troll request.
  14. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member

  15. atlmom

    atlmom Well-Known Member

    VERY near to Marietta actually :) nicetameetcha! ;-)
  16. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member


    I currently live in Texas. But I visit from time to time.
  17. atlmom

    atlmom Well-Known Member

    Heard TX is GREAT! That's where'd I go if I weren't a GA gal! LOL :)
  18. SisterGirl

    SisterGirl Well-Known Member

    I don't know what corn cob you have stuck up YOUR butt, but speak of something factual.

    What would give you the impression that I associate myself with ANY creditor that does not please me? It is a CHOICE to do business with either party(they could decline me & vice versa).

    My creditors treat me FINE,& those who don't will NOT see me on their balance sheet(simple as that).

    Sister Girl
  19. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    1*As a mobile home broker do you only accept cash?
    2*Quit ruining all these threads
    ===== ===== =====
    1* I have been discussing things from the consumer side not the commerical angle.
    2*Why is it running the thread when I post but It's merrly replying to a message when others respond to a post?
    Just trying to understand how you figure I'm running it.

  20. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member


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