Re: Re: ignore it's duplicate GEORGE needs to get back over here and help us ignore these. Never read the fine print. There ain't no way you're going to like it.
You all crack me up. Funny thing is that I was reading this and actually found myself laughing outloud. Imust have been dying for a quick laugh -- thank you so! What a gang we have here.... almost like a 2nd family ....well just ALMOST.
Re: Re: ignore it's duplicate You should have seen the original ignore thread it was a classic. ><- <>- ><- <> ~~~ ><- <>- ><- <> ><- <>- ><- <> ~~~ ><- <>- ><- <> Never read the fine print. There ain't no way you're going to like it.
Re: Re: Re: ignore it's duplicate i didn't - i was too busy trying to delete it!!! LOL (some may not get that joke, but i know LB will). in all reality, i was hoping it would disappear before you got your hands on it. so, tell me lb, what will the topic of this ignore thread be?
Re: Re: Re: ignore it's duplicate What else could the topic be but all the ways to ignore? And lb is right, we need GEORGE back here. He was really good at ignoring. I hope we have enough people who know how to ignore, because I'm going to be crashing at work and then going on what I hope is a 2-week non-computer vacation. Butch could get over here and help us out, too. And I know what you mean about deleting it. The only problem is that then we have to ignore the delete.
Re: Re: Re: Re: ignore it's duplicate There are just too many of them! We must stop this duplication now. It divides our attention.
Re: Re: Re: Re: ignore it's duplicate i'm disappointed it is only a few of us ignoring and paying attention. shouldn't that be part of newbie training?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ignore it's duplicate But it gives us multiple choices While subtracting from boredom.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ignore it's duplicate But everyone does need to learn how to ignore for when we can't! Come on, folks, jump in here. It's easy. Just reply and say whatever you want. The original ignore thread actually had several topics. Wish GEORGE would come ignore with us!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ignore it's duplicate I hereby ignore this thread because there's another thread that I must "Pay Attention" to. Shorty