Sebel What are you trying to do here? What were you thinking? You are ruining our one and only true real live ignore thread? What got into you any who? ><- <>- ><- <>
Sorry, I posted duplicates, thought one way for pepol to ignore it by puting the subject ignore"..sorry didnt mean anything.
Re: Re: ignore this
Re: Re: ignore this
Re: Re: ignore this CreditNetters are like a bunch of kids. If you tell us to ignore something, for sure we'll have to reply!!
Re: Re: Re: ignore this Here's one of the ignore threads. But the link to the original is broken. If you see the reply about two up, you'll see what I meant on the bump thread--at least some of us are like a bunch of kids!!
Re: Re: Re: ignore this He's been ignoring me. I tried getting him by posting on his tidbits thread but he won't reply. I think we need to disable his tractor. i'm ignoring now.
Re: Re: Re: ignore this Maybe if we go to his tractor site we can get his attention. Or maybe we could e-mail him.
Re: Re: Re: ignore this Hedwig - are you following me around tonight??? It almost seems like we are the only two here. Well, maybe the sane ones stay out of these threads. It took me awhile to "get it" when i first started here. Remember the time i accused LB of picking on me because he "liked me". I believe i called it something like "picking on me on the proverbial playground". he would do anything to get my goat. He was so embarassed when i did that. Man i miss those days (when everyone was here). Aw - I was trying to ignore this Hedwig!
Re: Re: Re: ignore this I keep trying to ignore it, too, but there's always something to say. I miss the "good old days" as well. lb and GEORGE could keep this going for a week by themselves!! Now it's up to us. I agree that some don't know enough to jump in yet, and haven't figured out that we have fun while we're here. That's why I tried to explain it in the bump thread.
Re: Re: Re: ignore this Maybe I am following you around tonight--or maybe you're following me around!!
Re: Re: Re: ignore this well LB is ignoring! so i will too... <after seeing LB here, i think i'm gonna faint>