Still new to all of this, but if your having alot of difficulty getting a c/a to delete a tradeline would it be nonsense (or illegal) to offer them a little extra money to delete? Or maybe not validate? Has anyone done this, or have any comments on this subject?
Bribery is illegal. And I definitely wouldn't offer anything like that to a collection agency. That's just looking for trouble.
It is not illegal at all, but most CAs won't do it, as it goes against their contract with the CRAs. Saar
Hold up. I had a finance company in Arizona who I had a charge-off write me letter telling if I agree on their settlement offer the will note my account as a paid collection and for additional $50 they will delete the entire tradeline. Was that illegal. I ended up sweet talking the guy to do it for free since I was giving him a lump sum.
You answered your own question. If it weren't illegal, he would have made you the offer in writing instead of you having to sweet talk him into it.
Rina, I had the offer for the additional $50 for deletion in writing. I sweet talked him into not paying the $50 because I was paying the entire settlement offer in one lump sum as opposed to paying in installments.
Saar, Thanks for the clarification. I would have been very surprised if it was illegal since this company put it in writing to me.
I CAN'T SEE HOW IT COULD BE ILLEGAL, but the CRA doesn't like it, because they want to "PUNISH" you!!!
Just trying to think about different alternatives for future reference. If they can validate, do I just offer 1/2 of what the debt is for a deletion? And throw in a little extra? I know there are no set rules to play this game but I already feel more assured in what I am trying to accomplish than what I did a month ago. So ALL ADVICE welcome here.
So now we have "bribery" AND "extortion". Can anybody offer "murder" or "treason"? Seriously, it doesn't even come close. Ask any attorney. Saar
Tell them you're going to send a copy of their letter to the credit reporting agencies so the agencies are sure to understand what they're supposed to do. Sit back and watch.
Could be they don't like it because it cuts them out of their cut of the over charges generated by the lower FICO Scores!
Does anyone else feel like we're playing a game that we are already set up to lose? I think that it is so much crap that the c/a and cra's can get by with murder. If I had a product to sell, took your money and gave you shoddy merchandise then I would be in jail. The same if I was making promises to fix something, took your money and never fixed it! (no offense if there are any contractors here-lol) like the collection agencies do EVERYDAY. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but my "light bulb moment" (I'd like to acknowledge the Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Phil McGraw for the above statement) came about a month ago after finding this website.
Right U R. It's a setup! The whole deal is like playing Russian Roulette with a bullet in every chamber.
Well that sux. Can I complain against the 2 c/a's that lied to me and told me to pay and then put it on my credit despite thier words? Isn't that one of the rules that they can't threaten/promise something that they have no intention of doing anyways?????????
I just did this very thing this morning. Didn't appear to be illegal. Might be in violation with thier contract with the CRA, but not illegal.