I dont think that I would offer extra money to anyone for deletion, you could get them or yourself in a little trouble there. As far as payment of the debt for deletion goes, there is nothing illegal about that at all. Many collection agencies will tell consumers that it is illegal. What their uneducated little minds are trying to tell you is that they have a contract with the CRA stating that they will do no such thing. The thing YOU must remember is that this is a money game. If it is in their best interest, they will take your money and delete the item. Of course they can also use the loophole with the CRA that the information was incorrect to begin with or that their was a misunderstanding between the two parties. The contract or business transaction happened between you and the original creditor not the CRA. Of course the CRA encourages their customers to report this information and keep it that way. They do not want anyone messing with the integrity of their screwed up credit reporting system..
The thing that baffles me is that the CRA's routinely delete negatives in exchange for a soncumer dropping a lawsuit, but they don't think anyone else should use deletion as a bargaining tool because it violates the (supposed) integrity of the industry.
Breeze that had to be the best typo I have read in a while. Could have something to do with the fact that it's 4 am too....LOL KHM
They are as honest as the day is long- must be a 60 second day! Sue the other guy but don't sue me is their motto.
So how did you do this? Offer a lowered price (like 1/2 of the debt) plus $$ if you take off? And is it better/easier to do this if you can pay a one time payment instead of payments I am making 2 c/a's verify debts. If they verify I owe only 29 on one and 50 on the other so I'm trying to get an idea of how much to offer. Did they send you a letter stating if you paid XX amount plus XX then they would take it off? Or did they not mention the additional monies?
First things first-Step by step: 1-Send the CA a validation letter.If they don't validate within 30 days it has to be deleted and you don't have to pay them anything! 2-You do not offer them anything unless they do in fact properly validate without violating your rights under FDCPA. ===How to settle if this happens:=== Do not offer a percentage of the debt plus an additional amount to delete. Offer a fixed dollar amount and tell them you will give them the money only if they agree to deletion in writing. 3-How to settle if the Ca violates your Rights under The FDCPA.You can sue the CA in your local small claims court for 1000 dollars per violation.If you sue for the $1000 tell them you will settle out of court for less than the a $1000 if they will agree in writing to delete from all 3 CRAs. and pay off the debt. BE sure the original creditor agrees in writing to delete also if one is involved in the deal. I would think in most case your bargaining power would be greater with a lump sum payment. However if you have them on Violations it may work as well either way depending on how much they would have to pay for being in violation and the amount they are trying to collect.----Perhaps others here could give us a little more insight on that issue!