I'm an idiot...lol

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Jan 15, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I THOUGHT I sent a validation letter to a CA trying to collect on hubby within the 30 days, but now I'm not sure. I THOUGHT I got the CRRR back from the CA REFUSED, now that I am searching for it I can't find it.
    I have the receipt that *I* filled out saying I DID send it to them, but I have no receipt saying they got it. (I'm wondering who I sent it to). I found the validation letter in an envelope in my car addresses to the CA.
    My question is the FDCPA says 30 days fom when you receive the notice, it's probably been about 60 days now, did I lose all my rights? Like if they were to report it before they get this letter? I'm really confused cause they haven't called for him and they were calling everyday up until about a week after I sent the C&D/validation. He hasn't received any letters from them since early December.
    I'm asking this casue it is the same CA that has violated the FDCPA with me, and I mailed mine within 30 days, so I think they will violate with him too.
    Does any of this make sense?
  2. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member

    Response from a fellow idiot:

    Oh dear, I hope someone answers you! I was trying to make a chart the other night to track all my letters, and realized that I cannot find all of the little green cards. I think they were all returned to me...

    It must have been the holiday season. We couldn't really be expected to get everything done correctly, could we!!!! :)
  3. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    The same thing happened to me. I am still waiting on one that I sent 12/21/01. I never received it.

    What you can do is go to the post office and show them your receipt. They will check in the computer to show if it was delievered. If it is was, they will send you a copy of the green card and who signed for it.

    If they did not, then it will come back to you. Or, you can get a refund.

    That's what I did, I think they received it but I have no proof. What I did was resend it priority mail with delivery confirmation to another address.

    You can also do signature confirmation with priority mail and delivery confirmation. All I want to do verify if is was delievered.

    What has been happening is some of the mail carriers have been doing signature confirmation anyway!
  4. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    I forgot you have to wait at least 30 days for them to check.
  5. mike101

    mike101 Well-Known Member

    Does the Post Office stamp or mark it somehow as "refused"?
  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I don't know. I THOUGHT I got it back, but now I can't find it (although I'm at work and didn't really spend a whole lot of time looking for it this morning at 4am lol.) I have a bulletin board where I put all the green cards until I have time to match it up to all the paperwork it goes with, but it wasn't there.

    I have kinda a dumb question, in case I do find it and it was refused or I sent it to the wrong place, should I put hubbys name on the CRRR I got back from the SAME CA regarding an account they are trying to collect from ME. Same CA, same original company two different bills. Catch my drift?
  7. mike101

    mike101 Well-Known Member

    Should you ever go to court the letter might carry more weight if it were still sealed. The post office keeps a record of CertRR letters, who sent to who and when. So I don't think I would add a name to that. Besides, just because your name is the only one on the post office form means nothing, you were the one to mail it and just filled out the form with your name.
  8. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    I believe the post office marks something on the green card that delivery was refused, if they don't, you can probably request a printout of sorts from the post office showing that it was. This would probably hold up in court, because it'll be post marked within the original 30 days you had to request validation, and it looks real bad on the CA's part, because they refused to accept it.

    The p.o. now has something called delivery confirmation. Works just like CRRR, except no one needs to sign for it, and it goes priority. Going to call the post office tomorrow and see if I can combine delivery confirmation with CRRR. That way, if a CA refuses, I also have a printout from usps.com's website how many times delivery was attempted. The green card probably won't list X amount of times delivery was attempted, just that it was refused.
  9. mike101

    mike101 Well-Known Member

    I would think that this would be just about as good as CRRR. Still, if you had a refused CRRR and went to court it would look bad for the CA.
  10. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    I believe its just as good too (by itself). However, if the post office says I can combine delivery confirmation with CRRR I'll start doing that. Kinda like killing two birds with one stone. - Even if the CA wants to be cute and continues to refuse, I've got a print-out from the website of the REPEATED attempts made to deliver. Lets see the CA defend that one in court.
  11. mike101

    mike101 Well-Known Member

    If someone find out anything about this let us know, I'd be interested.
  12. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    You cannot combine CRRR with delivery confirmation. You can combine signature confirmation with delivery confirmation.

    Check you the usps website and it will explain everything.

    Like I said I did not pay for signature confirmation but the post carrier did it anyway, I guess.

    On signature confirmation, they do not sign for it, I believe they just state their name. Correct, me if I'm wrong.

    I also believe, you can only view the results online. Since they don't sign anything.

    It is only available with Priority mail. It costs an additional $.40 for delivery confirmation. It costs $1.40 (I think) for signature confirmation.
  13. mike101

    mike101 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for lettering us know. Do you know if CRRR can be checked online? I know they return the green card but was wondering if maybe you could find out early online.
  14. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    CRRR cannot be checked online.
  15. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    RE your slogan.
    Yeah but according to herman it will drive you to edge solutions what ever the hell he means by that.
  16. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    On a refusal of a certified rr letter this is what happens. You get it all back. Letter with green card still on the back. It's marked in big red letters by the post office "REFUSED DELIVERY".

    If you get that back and they've refused delivery, it's very important that you

    KEEP IT SEALED!!! Do not, under any circumstances, open the letter you sent them!!!!!!

    I cannot stress this enough. My atty has verified this info (one of the folks involved in my lawsuit refused delivery on 2 letters AFTER they saw it was from me (one dingbat actually signed the green sheet then crossed it out but the scratched out green card got mailed to me along with the letter with delivery refused)... odd, I know... anyway

    A refusal of delivery is proof you tried to send them a letter and I guess a judge could open it later and see what you sent... but it still serves as notice for a validation, a lawsuit etc.

    JUST because they don't want to get the bad news, doesn't mean that it's not legal service... it is. And your letter coming back to you just shows they're not following the law or even trying to (if you get it back).

    If you don't get the whole letter back, you'll get the card. If you don't get the card or anything, go to the post office with receipt in hand and check.

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