I'm back from the past

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bosslady7, Jul 19, 2006.

  1. bosslady7

    bosslady7 Well-Known Member

    Hello, thought I had made my last stop here YEARS ago...but I guess not! LOL

    Here is the deal, back in 96 and 97 I had a bunch of charge offs. SOL is way past. Only one sued and Lizardking helped me win that! Thanks again Lizardking! All are off my cr and I am clean.

    Merchants Credit has recently reappeared and have started a vigilant phone campaign to get me to pay. Them for the way old debt to Chase, who now holds my mortgage.

    What do I do to make these jerks go away?
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    If the original date of delinquency is from 1997 or earlier, they can't legally report it on your credit reports.

    Do you have your own records to establish the last payment date, and therefore be certain that SOL has run?

    Have they actually made contact with you (as opposed to leaving phone messages, or caller id trails), either by phone, or by letter?

    If so, they should have sent you the notification, within 5 days as required by FDCPA, of your right to dispute, obtain the name and address of the original creditor, and request validation, and that if you fail to dispute within 30 days, they may assume the debt is valid.

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