I'm being blackmailed!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by milkmom, Jan 2, 2002.

  1. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Well, I tried to call that credit repair company and cancel the service. We started with them 11/20/00 and I have this gut feeling that we would have done better ourselves. According to some homemade paperwork they did within the first 2 months we were with them, it says that about 20+ deletions occurred off of all 3 reports. They had them listed as free deletions. The guy said that if I left before they finished taking all the stuff off the report, then we would have to pay for these deletions and at $69 it ain't cheap. I don't even know if they actually took the stuff off or if it came off by itself. We paid them $140(i think) to start the service and $20/month. They have only asked for credit reports twice and there hasn't been much correspondence. As I said above, I have a gut feeling that nothing much is going on but I am no epert in what time frame things should be concluded. When I read about how some people on this list have scores in the 700s after being in the 500s or low 600s in less time than I have been with this company, then I feel like I am being taken for a ride. I told him that I wanted to try to do things myself and he said that I couldn't do any more than what they were doing for me and I probably wouldn't be very successful. Then I told him about I would ask for the CAs to verify the debts and he said of course they could verify the debts. So instead of arguing, I told him that I wanted things to be sped up. I also asked him how much more time we were talking about, 2 or 3 more years before my husband's credit was better and he said I was being sarcastic and would get back to me today on how to speed things up. To be fair, I'm not saying that they haven't done anything at all..... They created this other file with TU that they have been putting things into. Is it too much to ask to have things concluded within 14 months? I just don't feel to satisfied with things and my feelings are usually right. Of course, I may just need a dose of reality. Anyone have any advice?
  2. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member


    Who is the credit repair firm that is trying to blackmail you? Have you seen any deletions come off? $70 for each deletion? Give me a break. Are these people sane? Have you tried to contact someone else at the company to cancel the service. I believe one year is enough time to do what they need to do. At this time they're just yanking your chain.

  3. Beaker

    Beaker Well-Known Member

    Kick them to the curb. You'd do much better without them. I see that LKH gave you some good advice on another thread; that will be more beneficial to you than some sleazy "repair firm". Good luck!
  4. Hal

    Hal Well-Known Member

    Am I misreading your post, or are you saying they created another credit file with TU besides your original credit file???
  5. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Well, so far, they've committed a criminal act on your behalf; actually two, one for you, one for your husband. Get out fast. Threaten to report them to the FTC. Then, when you do get out, do report them to the FTC. Save someone else from learning the lesson the hard way.

    Does anybody have the section of ode I'm referring to. I know I've seen it around, but I couldn't find it. This would be very helpful in the scrweaming match she's going to need to have with these people.
  6. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Free is Free, I would flat out tell them what they could do with those charges they now want to impose on you if you withdraw from their service!

    Also I would demand validation of what they have done. I would request a detailed summary of the work they have done on your behalf since you signed up with them, encluding copies of the first credit reports they began working from, showing each item they worked on and the results.

    I would write to them that as of 00/00/00 (date) you originally told them their services were no longer needed and if you owe a months fee enclude it, if you don't owe them anything I would reference my last payment info and indicate it as payment in full for their services.

    I don't know what your agreement says about terminating their services, but I assume there is some mention of time, like a thirty day notice or min. 6 mos something?
  7. curiouser

    curiouser Well-Known Member

    Run like the wind away from these people. If they indeed created a separate file for you at TU, they are engaging in a practice called "file segregation" which is a federal crime. Do a search on this board on "file segregation" and then do a search using any search engine for the same thing. As far as $69 dollars for each deletion, it's an unenforcable contract. If they are indeed engaging in file segregation, you, I am sure unkwowingly and unwittingly, engaged in a contract for an illegal act. As such, the contract is an illegal one and cannot be enforced.
  8. Hal

    Hal Well-Known Member

  9. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Yikes!!! forget my post, looks like you need to file a complaint with AG office and others ASAP!

  10. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Hal, yes. When I sent in for my husband's TU file, they sent me 2, one in my husband's name and one with a first name variation. This had never been there before messing with this firm.
  11. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    The firm is CCS Financial in Utah. As far as the TU report, there are only 3 things on there now. There used to be more but it seems that they have been transferred to my husband's other file and not completely deleted. And I had looked around and couldn't find any other firms that I felt comfortable with at the time. We were looking for a mortgage and this website recommended CCS and said that they had helped many of their very credit challenged clients to get a mortgage quickly. Each time that I have tried to cancel the service. twice now, they always send me to talk to the same person.
  12. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    I looked at the "contract" that my husband signed. It just says that there will not be a bill tabulated before 12 months at $70/deletion. I guess that I am scared that this thing will get ugly and then they will try to put whatever they say came off back on my husband's report and then we will be out of all of the money we paid plus back to where we started. But yes, I will get started on my letter to them. Our payments to them automatically come out each month so they have always been paid.
  13. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    they cannot put anything on your credit that was taken off. Only the ca or orignal creditor can, and by law they have to notify you within 5 days. In additon, I would immediately stop any and all ach drafts to pay this account. contact your bank immediately. in addition, I would contact state attorney general and file a complaint. they are probably violating others they way they have done you. If nothing else, do it and request a refund do to their fraud (i.e, file segregation).
  14. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Not only that, but anything they might say further implicates themselves in a crime.
  15. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    This is why i don't do that with my checking>
  16. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    You always have the greatest information and help to offer.
  17. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Well, I have just called my bank and cancelled the ACH 3 ways: by the company name, the amount they take out, and the ACH/check numbers used. If nothing else, they won't get any more money out of my pocket. Now I am going to wait for their retribution, if any.
  18. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    I don't know, looks like you have the biggest stick, and I'd sure whack-em with it if they tried anything! Stick to your guns!!!!!

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