Thanks for all your help guys! Just got my FICO score....698. Not in the 700 club but I am almost there. There are only 4 boo boos left on my TU Report. I have disputed and the results are below. Feedback by you experts would help out greatly! Account Name: [BIG CREDIT CARD #1] Account Number: XXXX Account Type: Credit Card - Revolving Terms Type of Business: Bank Credit Cards Terms: Revolving Account Status: Closed Monthly Payment: $0 Date Open: Apr, 1997 Balance: $0 Balance Date: Aug 16, 2004 High Balance: $1,134 Credit Limit/Orig. Amt.: $1,000 Past Due: $0 Remarks: Credit line closed-grantor request-reported by subscriber Payment Status: Credit line closed / not paying as agreed (3-30 late in 2 yr history and account closed by creditor) ************************************* Account Name: [BIG CREDIT CARD #2] Account Number: XXXX Account Type: Credit Card - Revolving Terms Type of Business: Bank Credit Cards Terms: Revolving Account Status: Closed Monthly Payment: $0 Date Open: Aug, 1997 Balance: $0 Balance Date: Aug 8, 2002 High Balance: Not reported Credit Limit/Orig. Amt.: $2,600 Past Due: $0 Remarks: Transferred to another lender or claim purchased Payment Status: Charge-off (4-120 days and eventually CO Aug 2002/Charged off as bad credit) *************************************** Account Name: [COLLECTION AGENCY] Account Number: XXXX Account Type: Collection Department / Agency / Attorney Type of Business: Other Collection Agencies Terms: Unknown Account Status: Closed Monthly Payment: $0 Date Open: Jan, 2002 Balance: $0 Balance Date: Apr 30, 2002 High Balance: Not reported Credit Limit/Orig. Amt.: Not reported Past Due: $0 Remarks: Account in dispute-reported by subscriber Payment Status: No status (Payment after charg off/collection) ************************************ Account Name: [BIG CREDIT CARD #3] Account Number: XXXX Account Type: Credit Card - Revolving Terms Type of Business: Bank Credit Cards Terms: Revolving Account Status: Closed Monthly Payment: $0 Date Open: Dec, 1999 Balance: $0 Balance Date: Mar 31, 2003 High Balance: $2,023 Credit Limit/Orig. Amt.: $800 Past Due: $0 Remarks: Election of remedy - reported by subscriber Payment Status: Legally paid in full for less than the full balance (Paid or Paying as Agreed)
I am confused, you still have what looks to be 2-3 charge offs on your record and your score is 698? Is it just me or is FICO a scam? I have a baddie now, but even when I didn't I struggled to keep my score over 700. Just to clarify, I am happy for you but I don't get it.
The status uf the last card was changed. I had a bunch of lates and the status was mved out of the adverse account information. The other card that was charged off (MBNA) happened in 2002. The collection record was for my telephone. I would love to have these adverse account info removed
#1 Dispute as never late #2 Is there still a balance owed? #3 Not mine #4 While the notation is negative, what does the history show? We lenders aren't smart enough to look at the comments (that and auto underwriting doesn't pay attention to comments).
Once again, I would like to thank eveyrone for their help!!! #1, I called the CC and they said that they can not remove the late charge. I was on a autopay payment plan and for that month it was late, it was the month the autopay stopped. Then told me they can only autopay 6 months at a time. #2, There is no balance owed. The sold the account to some CA which I eventually settled with. There was an entry for NCO Collection but I got that removed. #3, I just filled out a dispute through EX. (do i also have to file seperate disputes with TU and EQ) #4, I had a history of lates because i was unemployed. It only shows a 2 month PAID history. Sitting back now waiting to hear fr EX. Thanks for your help!
Got a letter fr TU today. When disputing an account as not mine, do I have to send request to each CRA or does each inquiry cover them all? Anyways here are the results.... #1, Deleted #2, Verified (Damn MBNA) #3, Verified but no longer showing up in Adverse Accounts #4, Deleted Now that my MBNA has been verified and shows up as "Charged off as Bad Debt" what approach can I take? Is it time for nut case??? A little history on the account... Date Closed was 02/2002 Date Verified was 12/2003 Remarks: Purchased by another Lender Thanks again for your help!