I have a number of on-line disputes w/ CRA's, validations w/ CA's, goodwill ltr. to OC and the STRESS from waiting, waiting, waiting is enough to trigger my depression. I'm checking my e-mail like every 2 minutes. I can just hear them laughing - "make 'em wait as long as possible." I have alphabet soup running out my ears and still need to know more. Plus knowing that there is more I need to be doing but not being sure what. GAGH! And reading all these horror stories can make one paranoid if one wasn't already. Well it IS partially my fault (ranging from a teeny bit but not 0% to a lot but not 100%) for being in this pickle. p.s. - It is very difficult typing in a fetal position.
I am in the same boat as you but with a little added twist, I am beginning to fall in love with my paperwork . After my quest is finally over I'm sure I am going to become a creditnet "empty nester."
I was in your shoes a short time back. Now I am finished cleaning house(all three CRA are spotless) I am working on beefing up my scores, droping my utilization and looking for good TLs. keep in mind that time is on your side, the longer they take the more likely they are to delete? ;-)
I agree. The longer the wait, the better your chances of getting good reults. I waited 60+ days for Experian to answer my first dispute letter and they responded by deleting/correcting 5 out 0f 6 disputed accounts. Now its the disputes that come back too quickly that get me the most annoyed. They are always either blow-off letters or account classed as "already verified". Be happy that you haven't heard anything yet.
Heeheehee, Kalinka...don't worry about that! Once all the derogs are gone, you will be pulling your hair out and trying to manipulate your scores into the 700 and 800 clubs. Its harder than it looks...that's for sure. The highest I've had so far is 682. I'm tweaking this and tweaking that trying to reach that elusive 700 club. Of course now since EQ deleted two good tradelines, I have a LOT further to go! L
Don't you HATE how they do that!!! deleted my PAID mortgage because I disputed 30 days late.... (it wasn't late).....
I didn't even dispute anything Pae! They did this all by themselves for no apparent reason. I haven't had a dispute on EQ for months. Seems like they don't need reason to take actions that zap your scores. Should be illegal the way the do. L
You know, now that I think about it they did THAT to me also. I looked at my report one day (credit watch) and it said 'consumer disputes' on something that was totally fine, no late no derog, on the good credit side of the report and I know I didn't dispute it but there it was, in dispute..... I wonder if I printed that... I wonder if I could get damages for that (100% compete and accurate)... PAE