Credit report is clean now and so I applied for a Citibank card. Was rejected because they said my balances were too low (huh?). I called and they told me to get my balances up to approximately 55% of my limits and then send in an updated credit report. Went out and charged some stuff (and ultimately returned it) and then sent them an updated copy of my report. Rejected again because my balances were too high (double huh?). The rep apologized and said the first person gave me bogus information but wouldn't budge. I sent in a PFB to Citi and they called this morning. Faxed in a pay stub and now I'm approved. No clue what my limit is and frankly, I don't care. I've been kissing the butts of Providian and Cap One for far too long. Hello Mr. Prime!
Congrats on your card!! I have been living in the "CITI" for three years and trying to move away. They just won't let me. DAMN CHARGE OFF WON'T GO AWAY. LOL
Congrats! I have been living in the Citi for 8 years, and still stuck at *********** $600 ************** I think someone wants me to move out of the Citi, but I refuse to leave!!!!!! Sockdrawing until I get respect.
An update: Spoke to the Citi rep and they approved me for $5,000. 0% on BT's for 1 year, 9.74% variable on purchases. Right now I have: Providian at 16.9%, $6,900 CL, $59/year (which I get waived). Hello sock drawer! Cap One at 19.8%, $2,700 CL, $39/year. Double hello sock drawer I dislike Providian but truly despise Cap 1. Now they can be roommates!
They pulled EX and it was 682 at the time. Today I got a preapproved offer from Citi in the mail although the terms weren't as good. Wondering if I should take this one too because these terms are still better then the ones I have with Providian and Cap 1. Or maybe I can use it as leverage with them? Anyone ever have any luck doing this?
Brenda, Yep, 8 years!!! I have tried PFB, nothing. I applied for another card from them a few months back, and they told me because I have a charge off. (6 1/2 years old, less than $500) that I could not get the card. I am going to assume this same charge off is the reason I can't get an increase. But alas, it is okay with me. I will carry the card with a zero balance for the rest of my life if I have to. I won't close the account, but use my prime cards with the companies that have been loyal to me. I am sorry for being a tad bit bitter, but I have never been late with them and this is how I have been rewarded. It kinda feels worse than Providian. (CRING)
I love Ctibank I get about a $1500-$2000 increase every 6 months, it's not much but after 4 years it adds up. This is more than I can say for AMEX blue frozen at a $12,500 limit for over three years. And my wonderful Gm card 3k limit, maybe I'll buy a Gumball with it.