Ok, um I'm at the Equifax website to try the free 30 day trial thing and it comes to the verify who you are part. Question #1: Your credit file indicates you may have a mortgage loan, opened in or around February 2002. Please choose the credit provider for this account from the following options. BAY BANK FIRST SECURITY SAVINGS BANK HOME FEDERAL IDEAL FINANCIAL SERVICES CORP. NONE OF THE ABOVE I've never taken out a mortgage (or EVER looked for one). I've been living with my parents while going back to college since July 2001 and pay my mom $30/week rent, lol Question #2: Please choose the range within which your monthly payment falls for the previously referenced account. The amount requested is the amount on your lender's statement including principal and interest, taxes and insurance, if applicable. If you make bi-weekly payments, multiply that payment by 2.17 to calculate the monthly payment. $125 - $224 $225 - $324 $325 - $424 $425 - $524 NONE OF THE ABOVE I don't have any loans. The only loan I've ever had was $5,000 for a car which was paid off on time in 1994-96. Needless to say I failed the verification...can I try this multiple times? Why the hell would it say I've taken out a mortgage when I've never ever looked for one?
Well I guess I'm stupid, I picked one of the banks in my city and picked None of the above for the amount (and failed). Guess I have to call them up tomorrow on the phone. I didn't think they'd put trick questions on there, thanks for the replies.
Ok maybe I'm not so stupid. I figured they probably use cookies to remember visitors. So I just loaded up Netscape, filled in the first page again, got the same 2 questions and viola, I'm in like Flynn. Thanks for the help. 610 FICO ugh.
My answers on the TU site were "none of the above", "none of the above", and "none of the above". That wasn't true for the others, but it was kinda funny.