I'm on a roll....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Christi, Feb 7, 2002.

  1. kimd9760

    kimd9760 Member


    How did you find out they were taking yuour tax refund? I talked to the dept. of ed about my husbands students loans and they told me to call the Illinois Student Assistance Commission. I called them and they said to talk to their legal department. Didn't get an answer there and left a message Friday morning....no one called me back. Called again today....no answer....left message...still no one has called me back. I just want to see if it's possible to rehabilitate the loan. The collection agency is refusing to rehabilitate it they are just demanding payment.
  2. kimd9760

    kimd9760 Member

    Have just found out from the office of the ombudsmen at the Department of Education that if
    a judgment is made because of a past due student loan that the loan can no longer be rehabilitated. There are basically no options to rehabilitate your credit at all until this comes off.
  3. nimbus

    nimbus Active Member

    Sal I know exactly how you feel. I thought I could hide from my student loans too and then I got a letter about them taking my taxes etc.. I finally buckled and fessed up to the loans and rehabilitated them. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out a way to get out of the collection fees so my $24,000 loan is now $40,000 and since I have now rehabilitated them and consolidated them by the time I pay the total $80,000 I will be about 70. Stupid stupid decisions.

    Now that the $15,000 has gone to collection you will pay a hefty price for the honor of rehabilitating it. If there is any way you can dispute this loan due to problems at the school I would go that route. I don't know the situation but I have heard about people disputing loans due to circumstances with the particular school. Think about it, $5,000 for the right attorney may get this sucker removed and very well likely can at least get the collection fees removed.

    Anyone else got ideas on that?

    Either way somehow I feel at peace about my credit and know that I'm doing the right thing now. I still have a few other chargeoffs and screw ups one of them being Gulf State from USWEST from 1999 so I'm hoping I'll get lucky on that one. Most of my scores are at 610 because I had 6 school loans that all went default and show as collections on my credit.

    So now I start the long trip to credit rehabilitaion. I just feel like now I just want to learn everything I can about this retarded system so I can master it.

    Good luck and let me know if you have questions.
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    The first thing to learn is you can't master a rigged con game that constantly changes the rules when ever they want to.
    Mastering is not the answer-shutting it down is!
  5. nimbus

    nimbus Active Member

    I'd like to see this system shut down too believe me but in the mean time we have to do our best to find it's flaws and make it work for us as much as possible.
  6. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    I'll go along with that.But shutting it down is the real solution.
  7. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    You go shut it down, lbrown59. Also, thanks for that useful suggestion!

  8. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    lol! Doc, can I shut it down? pleaseee please please???
  9. nimbus

    nimbus Active Member

    now all I have to do is get Unipac and the 6 collection-paid loans off of all my credit reports. I remember them telling me how clean my credit would be after I rehabbed...uh huh. Squeaky $%%#$ clean all right. And I hear Unipac is a bear to deal with. Anyone got any suggestions on that one?
  10. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Then you can just put up with it.
    So why have I see you complaining about problems it's caused you?
  11. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    One person can't do it alone mainly because of attitudes like this!
    It's a very useful suggestion if folks would quit running around trying to put out all the little brush fires they throw at us instead of attecking them on a united front.
  12. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your permission, I do put up with it.

    I complain about a lot of things, but I don't run around screaming about shutting down everybody I complain about. Or blaming everything on them.

    My major complaints have been with derogatory information, CRA's and creditors. My mission has been to repair my credit to get a higher FICO. FICO hasn't caused my problems, *I* have caused most of them myself.

    You know lbrown, why don't you give it a rest. We all know FICO is the DEVIL. You tell us every chance you get.

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