40 points...40 points I tell ya...prior to disputing two tradelines on Equifax my FICO is 658...item 1: 60 day late student loan payment from 1995 (or 1996, I've had a few beers)... Item 2: Conseco (2nd mortgage in the past for siding)...always reports "secured...30 days: 00, 60 days: 00, 90 days: 00"...but, when you dispute online, it gives me the option of "never paid late" (hello?)... So, I turn around and put these two in dispute AGAIN--effect on score? Now: 699. What a complete crock. What a complete steaming pile... Am I the only one with a 40+ point screw job over NOTHING? David
Knock off the beers. You sound like an incohehert drunk. What's next, social services will throw you in jail for abusing your family. Get real and behave like a man. If I was married to an S.O.B. like you I would leave you for this kind of whining. Think of your wife and kids first. Assuming you are not a homosexual whining down at the gay bar over a boyfriend. Straighten up! Why do you not have good credit?
Nope, you're not alone. Many on the board have scores lower than they should be for things that shouldn't be there. I'm dealing with 2 collection accounts on TU that show 0 balance, 0 past due, 0 most owed. You get the idea. I don't know for sure how much impact they're having, but my TU score is 120 points lower than the other CRAs. Or is it because TU deleted 2 fully paid car loans and a fully paid credit card account just because I asked them to note the accounts as "CLOSED?" Ah the joys of credit scoring. DemPooches
Kerry, you are way out of line. Your post is uncalled for. People on this board complain about all kinds of things, and they have the right to without getting blasted by likes of you. It sounds like everything you are saying to Dave has happened to you.
No David - I believe that you received the 40 points I lost this week with tidying up personal information. Please send them a letter to transfer those 40 points to me haha.
OK, first of all you don't "knock off" the beers; you knock them down, or back (possibly even over), but not off. Second, the word is "incoherent", not your personal variation of "incohehert"; if it's a spelling problem, please consult Webster's; if it's a typing problem, please turn your spell check to the on position. Third, my wife actually works for social services. Should you require further education in that area as well (including--but not limited to--my own family situation), simply ask. Showing your ignorance in a public forum only results in the reception of pity for the author (that would be you, in this example). Next, I'm not clear as to the origination of your anger/hostility that you direct towards me regarding homosexuality, gay bars, boyfriends, wife and kids and marriage. Since I'm not a licensed therapist (but have, on occasion, mimicked one in my own domicile), I can only assume that you have one or more issues with these very themes in your own tortured personal life. My recommendation would be professional help, along with a bit more social interaction with members of either sex, depending on your own personal tastes. Lastly, before you become even more offended than you already are, please bear in mind that I'm not angry with you; life is far too short, and time far too much of a rare commodity, to spend it slinging mud in your direction. Rather, I would suspect that if this is an indication of your uncontrollable outburts in the cyberworld, then you've already collected quite enough mud in your past without the need for any further donations on my part. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go to Sam's Club, buy some steaks, charge them to my Target VISA card, and bar-b-que them alongside my not good credit--in that order. Have a nice day. David
CHEERS David, have another cold one for me!!!!!! Someone left the rude and nasty gate open on the barn! Your frustrations are well placed, ignore the nasty goob playing on the dark side. Sassy
Kerry, you are way out of line. Your post is uncalled for. LKH ========================= Sure Kerry is,just like you have been with me at times.
I second that. She could have left her BS out of it. This board is for people that want to help themselves or for people that can help them. That means there is no room for the likes of her.
The keg's on the patio! I'll accept gratuities only in the form of permanent FICO points. Semi-colons are my comfort food in the English language--go figure--LOL. David