Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by shetektn, Jan 21, 2008.

  1. shetektn

    shetektn Member

    I have been reading and educating myself via this website for almost 4 weeks and hope I have some grasp on where to get started. Here's my plan... comment as you please - gently, very gently! lol Your expertise is GREATLY appreciated and welcome.
    EXP - 534
    TU - 524
    EQ - 482

    ***Payment for Deletion Letter sent to Creditor
    (Offer to pay if receive copy of UDF)
    ~~MidSouth Credit Bureau (medical collections)
    Placed in Collection 02/2007
    ~~NCO - Medclear (medical collections)
    Placed in Collection 03/2007
    ~~GEMB Old Navy (revolving, closed, sent to collections)
    This is reporting 30, 60, 90 &120's but current and pd. as agreed on CR

    ***Validation Letter to the CRA's
    (Prove or remove the following...)
    ~~Gateway GEMB (revolving, closed, pd & clsd 02/2006
    This is reporting 3 - 30 day late pmts but pd. as agreed on CR
    ~~HSBC NV (revolving, closed, sent to collections, pd & clsd 12/2007)
    This is reporting 30, 60, 90, &120's but pd. on CR
    ~~Ford Motor Credit (Auto loan, closed, pd as agreed.)
    This is reporting 2 - 30 day late pmts. as of 08/2005 and pd. off
    ~~GEMB Lowe's (Revolving, closed, pd & closed 10/2007)
    This is reporting 2 each 30 day and 60 day late pmts as of 07/2006

    I have a couple of weird one's I am getting clarification on who to contact and will add them to the list as the missing information becomes available to me.

    Before I lick the stamp, I am reading the links in the following thread. (http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37975) I found it while trying to locate the proper jargon to complete this post. I feel like I'm lost in another country and you guys are the only translators! The more I learn the better I get around this strange land called CREDIT. Now that I can order a couple things from the menu I will only get stronger!

  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Validation requests are sent to debt collectors, not the credit reporting agencies. You request that they re-investigate account tradelines you believe are inaccurate, incomplete, obsolete, or otherwise, unverifiable. Their duty does not encompass affirmatively proving that an account is accurate and complete. Their statutory discharge is to conduct a re-investigation and employ "reasonable" procedures to ensure the maximum accuracy of your credit reports. In light of that, you would be well served to target specific data fields which give you the best chance of deletion.

    Deletions in lieu of consideration are largely a thing of the past but, I suppose it is worth a try. GE Money will not comply and NCO is easy to delete by simply making an allegation of a FDCPA violation. If it it is Medclear, they're reporting the account as open on your reports. That is enough. Notice them of this and they will negate the debt and delete the tradeline.

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