in collection companies newsletter

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ohnostuck, Aug 8, 2002.

  1. andra

    andra Well-Known Member

    Re: another possible list

    I am not trying to get into a big fued here. Robin thank you very much for your insight. I am not saying that they didn't give you balances, all I was saying was that as of 3 years ago when I quit working it was definately illegal for a bank to give any information to someone other than the accountholder unless they had written authorization from the accountholder.


  2. ingenue

    ingenue Well-Known Member

    Re: another possible list

    CA: Hello, Sucker's Bank?
    SB: How may I help you?
    CA: Can you verify that I.M. Fool's check will clear?
    SB: Of course. What is the acount number and check amount?
    CA: (Looking at account info - check amount: $72.50, acount number 1234567890.) The check is for $600 and the account number is 1234567890.
    SB: No, that check will not clear, I'm sorry.
    CA: [click]

    CA: Hello, Sucker's Bank?
    SB: How may I help you?
    CA: Can you verify that I.M. Fool's check will clear?
    SB: Of course. What is the account number and check amount?
    CA: The check is for $300 and the account number is 1234567890.
    SB: Yes, that amount will clear.
    CA: Thank you. [click]

    CA: Hello, Mr Fool.
    Fool: Oh, you again. Didn't I already pay you?
    CA: Yes, but your payments are not enough to cover your 30% interest, and if you don't make larger payments, you'll never be able to get rid of-- er...finish paying us.
    Fool: But I don't have enough money to make larger payments.
    CA: Well, my records here show that you already sold your first-born child. If you'd just cash-in on your youngest, you can probably get a fair amount on the market. Maybe you could sell him to your local diocese. And just think of the lunch money you'd save!
    Fool: But then I wouldn't be able to get EIC, Welfare, or a Child Tax Credit!
    CA: (taking notes) Don't worry about the future. It's important that you pay US now. Without those pesky rugrats, you could stop paying rent and live in your car. It's urgent that you finish paying US now, before we sue....
    Fool: Well, I do have about another $200 in the bank. Should I do another check by phone?
    CA: Yes, give me the information now....

    CA: Hello, Sucker's Bank?.....

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