In process of removing tons of Inquries...have some ?'s

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by darin1274, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. darin1274

    darin1274 Active Member

    Ok...I have heard of removing some inquires off your credit report by mailing letters to each company. i have mailed off like 25 letters to each asking them to take them off. Problem came when auto dealer "*****d" out my file to tons of banks. I never asked these companies for credit, but the dealer did. Do you think I have chance at getting these off?

    I have tons of Inquires on my CB and its killing my score...I need to get these off my CB!!

    please help!
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Did you authorize the dealer to look for financing for you? If you did, the inquiries had permissible purpose; if not, they didn't.

    If all those inquiries were in the same 14 day period, or under new FICO, in the same 30 day period, and they are coded to be for an auto loan, then FICO counts them as one inquiry for purposes of affecting your scores.

    If that is the case, it may not even be worth worrying about.
  3. darin1274

    darin1274 Active Member

    no other advice from anyone who has tried this??
  4. direred

    direred Well-Known Member

    See what ontrack said. You didn't answer the question in the first sentence. If the inquiries were authorized (even indirectly), they should remain.
  5. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Furthermore, if they are all auto loan inquiries within 14 days, they should not be killing your score.

    Keep in mind, the brainless CRA fako score suggestions are often erroneous.

    What other reasons could there be for scores lower than you want, other than inquiries?
    Any negative items?
    High debt to available credit?
    Did the auto loan go thru, which would depress your scores until there is some payment history and age on the account?
  6. darin1274

    darin1274 Active Member

    well combined there are 175 inquires between all 3 CB's!!!!! they Gotta be pulling down my score...I've had no late payments since 2002 when I filled chapter 7...I've have great credit since 2002 and I've been told so, but EVERYONE says the inquires are killing me!!
  7. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Doesn't matter how many there are.

    EVERYONE may not know what they are talking about. It wouldn't be the first time.
    Just like a lot of misinformed mortgage brokers will tell you that closing a bunch of your
    credit card accounts will raise your scores. Wrong!

    Are they within a 14 day period?
    What are your scores?

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