In trouble

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by zhopka, Aug 31, 2004.

  1. zhopka

    zhopka Member

    Re: Re: Re: In trouble

    I've heard about that law.

    Am I right that the only two things that changed are:
    1. To qualify for chapter 7 my income should be below median of the state. Otherwise I will go into chapter 13.
    2. I must subscribe to credit counseling for 6 months and apply for BK only after.

    These conditions don't seem that tough?
    Am I missing something though?
    Why is it dreaded?
  2. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: In trouble

    I've asked that, too. I guess people that have run up a lot of debt that they don't want to pay are worried. I paid all of mine back, every penny, and didn't file bankruptcy. I think most people could use some budget counseling. I personally think that it should be taught in school.

    I think that people who WANT to pay their debts, or as much as possible, will not be intimidated by this bill.

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