Include SS# In Correspondence?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Big Al, Oct 30, 2007.

  1. Big Al

    Big Al Active Member

    They say there's no such thing as dumb questions so, here goes:

    I'm starting the process for my girlfriend with the help of all the info here and as a first step which I ran across a number of times, I'm correcting personal info.

    What identifying info should I put in this letter besides name, address and phone number? In the sample letters here in the Members Only section they are worded to include name, addy, phone (as a typical letter) but in the letter I generated at one of the CRA sites to mail in, it also includes her Social Security Number. Should I add this in? Printed? Handwritten (as a signature would be, for official verification purposes). At the top of the page for easy reference? At the bottom next to her signature? Should I include the file number from the credit report? The confirmation number from when it was printed out?

    Thanks - Alex
  2. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    Printed is fine, and yes include the SSN if you are disputing with the CRA.

    City, State

    Thats how I fill mine out.
  3. Big Al

    Big Al Active Member

    Thanks Much

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