I have a few accounts (all Citibank) that are listed on my credit reports as "Chapter 7 Bankruptcy". About a year ago, when I fell into major financial trouble, I told Citibank I was going to file - and they took it to heart. I had 3 MC's with them - one for 10k, one for 6K and one for 2.8K. I haven't gotten bills in over a year and the balance shows zero - and included in BK. What is the best way to dispute them - since I have no acutal BK on record. I've applied for credit a few times and get declined due to "Bankruptcy on file". I never filed. Thanks
my guess is that if you dispute...when citibank sees that you didnt file...you will be owing them money again since you never got the court order for a discharge
I second that - if you're going to dispute, wait until the SOL is up first - you don't want to end up getting smacked with a lawsuit and then having to file anyway. Good luck Poochie
Well, I think the SOL in CT is 6 years anyway, and add a year to that and they would fall off anyway. Of course, I'd like them to come off much sooner.
Don't take this the wrong way, but almost seems like the bad TL is a small price to pay for skating out of payment.... doncha think? You could treat this like any of us who have a real BK, and build other credit around it to raise your scores. Why wake sleeping dogs?