Innovis - credit bureau

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by barrioobre, Dec 13, 2006.

  1. barrioobre

    barrioobre Active Member

    I recently learned of this credit bureau, Innovis. What can you guys tell me about it? can we also get a free report a year from them? why Innovis is not as known as the other credit bureaus? is there any other credit bureau in addition to Trans Union, Experian, Equifax and Innovis?
  2. Ice_Siren

    Ice_Siren Well-Known Member

  3. barrioobre

    barrioobre Active Member


    thanks for the link for information about Innovis. However, I still have a few questions.
    1. why Innovis is not as known as the other credit bureaus?
    2. is there any other credit bureau in addition to Trans Union, Experian, Equifax and Innovis?
    3. do mortgage companies, bank, etc. obtain scores, etc. from Innovis?
    4. why their credit reports are not free?
    5. have you guys obtained credit reports from Innovis?

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