Innovis got me a denial

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by QUEEN_BEE, Jan 9, 2002.


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    To make a long story short:

    Applied for a car refi loan. They pulled EQF and guess who?


    In my other thread , I thought EQF ratted me out. Scanned my memory, I remember seeing Innovis on one page of the credit report the CU pulled.

    I AM UPSET to say the least. I have worked so hard to get EQF ready for this loan, and now this...
  2. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member


    I didn't know anyone actually pulled Innovis.

    And I always get mad when someone pulls TWO inquiries for one app.

    One app=one inquiry=one account.

    It's all a scam.

  3. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    You are the first I've heard of that has evidence that Innovis is out there providing info.

    I had called them in the summer requesting a copy of my credit file and they said they didn't have one to send me. Gave me run around that they aren't going to be the same type of service to companies as the other three. Besides, she said, they don't have all their databases set up yet. I asked just *where* were they getting the info to *put into* the databases and I got some vague reply. I suggested that they were getting it from the other three and told her that was real interesting because the other three have more errors than accuracies. She did not deny that they were pulling it from the other three nor did she confirm it but my instinct is that I hit the nail on the head.
  4. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member


    My husband and I tried to get our reports from Innovis last summer also. Got the same run around. I did not ask them as many questions as you though. I knew they were lying then, and this just proves it.
  5. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    I believe the CU has to give you a denial letter stating which CRA's they pulled, the reasons, and a contact for each of them. If they haven't given it to you make sure you request it and then request a copy of your Innovis file. If Innovis won't give you a consumer copy let the FTC know.

    Has anyone here ever gotten their hands on an Innovis credit history? Let us know.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    And they specialize ONLY in bad accounts. Check this thread:

    On my Innovis report, the showed ONLY
    1. Medical collection
    2. First Premier charge off
    3. Providian charge off

    None of my positives are on their report. Talk about a scam...

    On top of that, you can only write to get a report. No phone numbers to speak with anyone. They do not even want the consumer to know they exist! But you find out when you get the BIG FAT NO on an application.

  7. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member


    Sorry you had to be the guinea pig for this!! Maybe you can get a loan through someone else?

    Good Luck to you.
  8. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    they're a back end database. they only collect negatives and inquiries.

    the point is that, if you've cleaned all the reports you know about, they'll still tag you on the end.

    they do have credit reports. I didn't have a problem with them admittting it. I think they wanted my pay stub or some odd verification so I threw the letter away.

    they definitely are a CRA and if they put it in writing that they're not, sue them.

    they're just not set up to deal with consumers yet, which I think in and of itself makes them violate the FCRA regarding communications.
  9. chriscraft

    chriscraft Well-Known Member

    Guys and gals, there is another thread on this very topic. Middle of last year I tangled with Innovis over getting my report, and I had to send them a threatening letter before I was able to get them to send the report to me. I posted my nasty letter to them on the other thread.

    This is ridiculous. How many damned credit bureaus does this country really need? Time for some legislation to stop this madness.

  10. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    Sorry, Love. :-(

    I just called the number on the other thread and spoke to a Tawanna. She says there is a letter that they are sending out to consumers in the state of Colorado only because it is state law. I did not think to ask her what law she was referring to.

    She says I could not get a copy of my credit report because they are still developing their database. Then when I asked her where she was getting the info. for the database from she said they are in the process of creating a system to provide credit.

    I asked when do they plan to have this in place she said she does not know. Sometime in the near future. I said 2002, next year??? She just said she doesn't know.

    I asked her again where they are getting the info. from for the database. She said various contributors such as mortgage companies, department stores, etc.

    They are such a ripoff. I really believe they are up to something. Someone who lives in TX needs to pay their office a visit with an investigative news reporter to get to the bottom of this.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    I AM WRITING CLARK HOWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Ok, I live about 3 hrs from Houston. You get in touch with 20/20, Dateline and the others and I'll meet them there :) Wonder if my hell-raising I can get some leverage with Experian & Equifax as well? lol Seriously we need to go to websites and report this so maybe someone will look into it, like Dateline or NBC.
  13. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    I have a friend who is a news reporter. I hadn't seen in about 3 years and I saw her yesterday. However, I didn't get her card so I have no way to get in contact with her. But, if I do I definately will ask her how do you get them to do an investigative report.

    I went to their website and the stuff on there is scary!

    Their product FailSafe is "a national database of consumers with unfavorable current or past credit histories. FailSafe is an FCRA compliant database comprised of public record and accounts receivable data collected from thousands of credit grantors nationally."

    And the stuff in quotes was pulled right from their website. If they are "FCRA complaint" then they will disclose what is in the credit file. I think I'm going to give Tawanna another call.
  14. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    I just called again. They still say they do not provide consumer reports and cannot give a copy of my file. Reading from the website, I asked her can you "provide" me a copy of my "consumer credit information?" She states again and again they do not provide this info. I spelled the innovis and asked her if they were an affiliate of CBC companies she replied "yes". I asked her to go on the internet to their website and she said they do have internet access in the office. I told her and told her to take a look at what someone is saying about her company.

    Love, if I were you would contact an attorney.

    She stated to me again and again "they do not provide consumer reports. If someone would pull your credit report is would be Equifax, Experian or Trans Union but they do not provide this information."
  15. bobbidk

    bobbidk Well-Known Member

    I don't understand something, if they are pulling from other databases and we clean our reports up, shouldn't the negs be overwritten? If not, then are they just pulling once and if you have negs they never update again?

    Sorry if I sound dense, but I guess I am :)


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    I assume that the 'other' databases are supposed to be other credit bureaus. If that be the case, most definitely, but the issue may be that they are never updated, b/c your creditor may not subscribe to their 'service'.
  17. bobbidk

    bobbidk Well-Known Member

    THAT SUCKS! I am so sorry to hear about your loan denial because of these a$$holes.

    What are your plans now as far as Innovis is concerned? Do you think you will file suit?

  18. keltexx

    keltexx Well-Known Member

    Are they in Houston? If so, tell me where. I am in the metro area.
  19. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    I don't know about EQ and TU, but I do recall seeing a soft inquiry on my and hub's EXPERIAN reports showing INNOVIS had pulled credit. So they are obviously working with the other two super morons and compiling all the negative informaton that they can!
  20. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    Ok, now I'm really confused.

    Innovis is a Credit Bureau?!?
    Innovis is a CBC company. (Innovis about page)
    The CBC companies are affiliates of Equifax, in fact, I have to do all my disputing through the local CBC affiliate.

    So what gives? Equifax can't be happy about this (like I care :). Are the CBC's going to start offering their own data from Innovis and drop EQ as their repository?

    The only good news would be we would all be able to dispute EQ online if the CBC companies abandoned them. But then we'd have the evil step brother Innovis that we would have to dispute with through the CBC companies!

    My head hurts :)

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