I just called 877-innovis and the person who answered gave me the following address: 950 Threadneedle, Suite 200 Houston, TX 77079 8-5
LIARS LIARS LIARS Logically speaking, if they were getting their info from the BIG 3, they would have all three of my charge offs (they are all on EX), not just these two, plus another collection account that just showed up on EX last month. The accounts that Innovis reported were updated in 11/00. This proves to me that they aare getting their info straight from the source-the creditor. The statement they made about "they are still developing their database" really means that they are trying to recruit creditors to subscribe to their service.
Privacy? Can we not protect our personal information? Aren't we entitled to at least some privacy? Not only is all this info, including my unlisted phone number, listed with the cra's, it is also in all sorts of datatbases. And don't get into an accident - my husband had one last night and people have called all day because now his name, address, phone, ss#, dl#, type of vehicle and license plate # are all public info on the police report. I am sick of everyone else knowing more about me than I know about myself. Can't we get some legislation to give us some protection????????????
Re: Privacy? SS# ON AN ACCIDENT REPORT!!!!!! DON'T EVER DO IT!!!!!!!!! I was a WITNESS to an accident...BEFORE he asked my NAME...HE ASKED FOR SS#...I SAID "WHAT CREDIT CARD AM I APPLYING FOR"???? He said "people are in their data-base by SS#" I SAID..."IF I AM NOT GETTING A CREDIT CARD, YOUR NOT GETTING MY SS#"!!!! "DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT I SAW, OR SHOULD I WALK"??????
Re: Privacy? And driver's license #, George. I would not have given it myself....I am more concerned about the priivacy issue.
For those of you that show inquirys from Innovis, was there negative information on your credit report at the time they did it.
I have been warning about the evils of the CRAs and fico on this board off and on for some time. For my efforts I have been ridiculed,labeled a fanatic and diagonsed as having a phobia.From the info.posted on this thread It appears that what I have said is coming to pass as the information is now coming to lite.Seems that it is even worse than I've been saying.Perhaps the last laugh will be on my critics and detractors in the end.
They are liers! I live in Colorado and back last march I got a letter from them saying that they put something negative on thier report and that I can get a copy. So I got my report. All they had on there was 2 charge offs and nothing else! It came with way to dispute so I disputed them both. It came back with one deleted. I called them to ask if I could get some positive info reported and they said that they don't do that. I think they are ones that we need to keep a close eye on!
They are the backlash for those of us who have sense enough to try to restore our credit. They are the devil incarnate! LOL
I called the toll-free number for Innovis this afternoon and asked if they were a CRA. The rep stated, "Yes, sir Innovis is a Credit Reporting Agency". When I asked her how I could receive a copy of my report, she said that Innovis only works at a business-to-business level. They are not authorized to provide reports to consumers. I told her this was a violation of the FCRA, and she stated that was an issue for their legal department to handle. When I asked for a manager she said none was available and told me to call back another day! This is INSANE, how is this legal? I am going to file a complaint with the FTC. No company can maintain files that we cannot access ot dispute for inaccuracies, but yet is used in making decisions for credit granting!
I just filed my complaint with the FTC, even though I have never requested my file from Innovis. Here it is!
So, basically they are claiming to be a company like Dunn and Bradstreet, which gives a fico type score for businesses to businesses, but they are actually a consumer credit reporting company? That has got to be the loop hole they are protected under. But they would still seem to be in violation of fed. law(s) as they ARE maintaining personal consumer files, which we as the consumer cannot see!!! This is absolutely outrageous. I'm writing my congressmen, governor, state senators, etc, etc! Someone has got to stop them. Perhaps we can get them kicked out every state individually, then their federal cover won't matter. I'll let everyone know what I findout for the state of FL. I strongly suggest everyone do all that is possible on the state level to discredit these hoodlems!
Innovis, talk vs. documentation http://consumers.creditnet.com/stra...p?s=&postid=99688&highlight=innovis#post99688
Re: Innovis, talk vs. documentation I just went to the Innovis site, and it states under one of their sections revelant to creditors "Innovis is a required credit repository for reporting purposes to those who are Fannie Mea and Freddie Mac servicers". So if you have a home loan through one of these lenders there is a file on you at Innovis! All with such should immediately request their files. Also, there is a section for faq for the creditors. Anyone who can decipher the lingo should go to this section and see if there are any "illegal" procedures, and inform the rest of us.
Re: Innovis, talk vs. documentation If you go to the "contributors/ data providers section all the information is there.
Re: Innovis, talk vs. documentation Also, under the products section, they state that their system provides information for pre-aproval" soliciations! So now they are a marketing comapny, a cra, and a skip/ trace company?? Another of their "products" lists addresses for all of us who have filed a change of address for with the USPS??? These people seem like the gestapo to me.
Re: Innovis, talk vs. documentation That's exactly what I mean. I'm glad someone is as scared as I am. Think about it, you spend all this time and money cleaning up your credit files and then BOOM!! Something pops up and you cannot figure what or why.....Innovis. I knew the CRAs where going to get back at us someway. FICO is flawed and they are trying to penalize us for cleaning up our credit and learning about our rights.