Innovis No Longer Giving Reports...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by NiceGuy, Dec 12, 2002.

  1. NiceGuy

    NiceGuy Well-Known Member

    Statement from website:

    For credit applications, disclosures or disputes of your credit report, contact your local Credit Bureau.

    Called them earlier today to verify and it's true, they refused to send! WTF?

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    IF THAT IS TRUE...they better "PURGE" 100% of the information in their computers and CLOSE UP SHOP!!!

    ...or is this the deal like their line when somebody wants their report~~"WE DON'T HAVE ON-LINE ACCESS"...all they asked for was a report...they did NOT even mention ON-LINE anything!!!
  3. NiceGuy

    NiceGuy Well-Known Member

    These people need to be, that would be too kind.
  4. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    That does it.

    I'm requesting (no demanding) my Innovis this weekend.

    They are a Credit Reporting Agency.

    Refusing to send you your file is a clear violation. Unless, as Geo. points out, they close up shop.

    If they refuse I'll file suit. It should be a simple Summery Judgement situation and eligible for a stautory fine.

    All just for doing some paper work.

    (At least I think so)

  5. Jeff

    Jeff Guest

    I'm with you Butch. This is angering.
  6. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Innovis No Longer Giving Report

    950 THREADNEEDLE ST # 200
    HOUSTON TX 77079-2900
  7. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Re: Innovis No Longer Giving Report

    Oh kewl!!! Going to send for mine and hubby's tomorrow. A new lawsuit...bwaahahahaha.

  8. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Re: Innovis No Longer Giving Report

    Has anyone sent a written request and received a written response back to the effect? I know Innovis was not wanting to give them out a while back, but when pushed, they would send you one by mail.

    I didn't wait until tomorrow. I just finished putting postage on my request.

  9. schweb

    schweb Well-Known Member

    I just received my report from Innovis. I sent a letter to the following address:

    Innovis Data Solutions
    PO BOX 219297
    Houston, TX 77218-9297

    Tel: (800)457-0247
    Fax: (281)504-2594
  10. nvbonedoc

    nvbonedoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Innovis No Longer Giving Report

    I wrote them at PO Box 219297, Houston, TX 77218-9297 and requested a copy of my report, they sent me a "statement" to fill out with my name, address, and SS# to get my report. I sent a money order for $9.00. I'll update when I get the report. The letter they sent me states in bold letters "Innovis is developing a credit database and currently Innovis does not provide on-line credit reports to businesses where you apply for credit, insurance, or employment. My advice is to write them at the address above and start the process to see what "they are developing" about you.

    NV Bone Doc

    EQ 639
    TU 645
    EX Faco 545 (after RJM)
  11. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Innovis No Longer Giving Report

    Innovis accepts fax disputes: (281) 504-2594.

  12. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    Re: Innovis No Longer Giving Report

    I got my Innovis report for free. It took about two weeks to arrive after I sent the request by mail. I disputed everything on it and they deleted a week later. now my Innovis is blank/empty.

    they were easy.
  13. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Innovis No Longer Giving Report

    It only lists accounts, not inquiries.

    Only some of the creditors report to them. Associates, Chase and BofA - report; Amex and Citi - do not.

    It says, "informaion such as bankruptcies, tax liens and judgements come from public records filed in courthouses"

    Also, they obviously have your SSN and DOB, but it's not shown on the report.

  14. Vman

    Vman Well-Known Member

    Re: Innovis No Longer Giving Report

    There was a news reporter who posted on here a few weeks ago want to know about trouble with Innovis to do a story. They had left an email contact address.

    If you have had bad luck, maybe you should send them an email- The bad PR may make things easier.

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