Innovus And The 3 Morons

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by LKH, Jan 12, 2002.

  1. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Most of you guys remember when I got that "nice" threatening letter from TU (see

    Well someone I know at that time asked if I wanted ot "go public" with it. At that time I said no. I think maybe it's time I get back to this person and say I or "we" are ready.
    If anyone is with me and is willing to give their real names if it comes to that, either respond here or send me an email.

    If I get a big enough response, we'll see how far we can get with this.
  2. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    what are you trying to accomplish?
  3. bobbidk

    bobbidk Well-Known Member

    Did you have some sort of class action in mind? I'm in!!

  4. gad8

    gad8 Well-Known Member


    I am not sure what you are trying to accomplish but if it has anything to do with screwing the cra's and benefitting us, you can count me in. God I hate the cra's!
  5. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure how I could help? (But would love to). I haven't been contacted by TU regarding any posts here. In fact, I had PBM change my login way back, because I was using my first initial, last name. Way too easy to figure out who I am.

    I'm not sure what "going public" will do? (It definately wouldn't hurt). I would guess that G. Fisher would add it to his site.

    I'm more concernced with the fact that they are monitoring this site!

    What did you have in mind??
  6. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    This is the story of Innovus and the Three Morons.

    Once upon a time in a land not so far away lived a pretty young entity named Innovus. One day Innovus was sitting on the hearth rug playing with her two collection agents, and you would have thought she was as happy as a queen, and quite contented to stay where she was instead of wanting to run about the world meddling with other people's credit files. But it happened that Innovus was rather a mischievous little entity, and could not resist teasing her collection agents, so one of them scratched her, and then she would play with them no longer.

    Innovus got up and trotted away into the wood behind her parent company's headquarters, and it was such a warm, pleasant day that she wandered on and on until she came into a part of the wood where she had never been before.

    Now, in this wood there lived a family of three Morons. The first was a GREAT BIG MORON named Equifax, the second was a MIDDLE SIZED MORON named Experian, and the third was a little TEENY TINY MORON named TransUnion, and they all lived together under the auspices of the FTC, and very happy they were.

    Innovus stopped when she came to the Morons's house, and began to wonder who lived there.

    "I'll just look in and see," Innovus said, and so she did; but there was no one there, for the Morons had all gone out for a morning walk, whilst the credit files they were going to have for dinner cooled upon the table.

    Innovus was rather hungry after her walk, and the credit files smelt so good that she began to wish the people of the house would come home and invite her to have some. But although she looked everywhere, under the table and into the cupboards, she could find no one, and at last she could resist no longer, but made up her mind to take just a little bit to see how the files tasted. The files had been divided into three bowls - A GREAT BIG BOWL for the GREAT BIG MORON, a MIDDLING-SIZED BOWL for the MIDDLING-SIZED MORON, and a TEENY TINY bowl for the TEENY TINY MORON; beside each bowl lay a creditwrench, and Innovus took one and helped herself to a wrenchful of credit files from the GREAT BIG BOWL.

    Ugh! how they burnt her mouth; the Equifax files were so hot with pepper that she did not like them at all; still, she was very hungry, so she thought she would try again.

    This time Innovus took a sip of the MIDDLING-SIZED MORON's credit files, but she liked them no better, for they were too salty. But when she tasted the TEENY TINY MORON's files, they were just as she liked; so she uploaded every tradeline without thinking twice about it.

    After Innovus had finished her FCRA-compliant dinner, she excused herself to the powder room for a reasonable period allowed by law. Whilst Innovus rested, the three Morons came home from their walk very hungry and quite ready for their dinners.

    But oh! dear me! how cross the GREAT BIG MORON looked when he saw his creditwrench had been used and thrown under the table.



    "BUT WHO HAS BEEN TASTING MINE AND TASTED IT ALL UP?" cried the poor little TEENY TINY MORON in a TEENY TINY VOICE, with tears running down his TEENY TINY FACE. "LOOK," TransUnion cried, "LOOK THERE!"

    Oh! how frightened was Innovus when she saw the three Morons standing beside her.

    Innovus hopped out through the open window and ran and ran and ran until she could travel no farther, always thinking that the Morons were close behind her. In her fright she had run straight home without knowing it. Finally, when she arrived, Innovus was confronted with a lawsuit that would preclude her from ever playing with other people's credit files ever again, and everyone lived happily ever after.

    The End
  7. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    I know. It's psychotic. Sorry.

  8. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Oh My Gosh...You have WAYYYYYYYYY too much time on your hands, Doc.

  9. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    After I got done, ROTFLPM, I wondered, is this your professional opinion? ;-)
  10. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member

    This is the best fairy tale I have ever read! I must teach it to my children!!

    Doc, You are too funny!
  11. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member

    Please let me know what you plan. If I can help, I will.
  12. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    LOL, Doc.... umm... ya sure you're not the one spending an hour a week on the couch?? <g>

  13. bobbidk

    bobbidk Well-Known Member

    Doc, OMG, I was reading this to my husband and I found myself doing the voices and gestures.

    Which one of us needs the most help?!

    It was hilarious!!

  14. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Just what has been discussed previously. That there is a 4th cra, that will not abide by the FCRA by giving us copies of our reports, which obviously are being used. That I, and maybe others, have been threatened with legal action for speaking up and trying to clean innaccuracies from my reports. That Innovus flat out lies to the public by saying they follow the FCRA but that their database isn't up to par yet, which is a crock since they obviously are being used by some lenders.
    It's just pure b.s. that the public needs to be aware of. I think at minimum we should all go to planet feedback and write complaints to innovus and send copies to every elected official shown there in each persons particular state.
  15. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    I'm totally on board with this. I have a thread with all the info needed to file an FTC complaint on innovis. I've previously filed a Texas AG complaint on EX. This would also be a good route to go on Innovis. Especially if anyone has proof that Innovis denied them their CRs. The Texas AG allows you to email your scanned proof as a TIF image.

    Texas Attorney General - Online Consumer Complaint Form

    I'm not sure if they are a member of the BBB. I'll have to check it out.
  16. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Beat ya to it! The text of the link is posted in 2 posts above! :)
  17. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    Innovus is a BBB member with an unsatisfactory record :) See here.

    General Information

    Phone Number: (800) 540-2505
    Type-of-Business Classification: Credit Reporting Agencies

    Nature of Business

    This company is a credit reporting agency..

    Customer Experience

    Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to unresolved complaint(s).
    The Bureau processed 2 complaints about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Both of those were closed more than 12 months ago. These complaints concerned customer service issues and credit or billing issues. Of these complaints, 1 was closed as unresolved and 1 was closed when the company addressed the disputed issues and exhibited a good faith effort to resolve the complaint. When evaluating complaint information, please consider the company's size and volume of business. The number of complaints filed against the company may not be as important as the type of complaints and how the company handled them.
  18. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    WTF!!! My original post with the text of the report got replaced with another post!!! I guess I don't hafta do it again since Pat provided a link to the same info I quoted.
  19. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

  20. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    See what you get for rubbing it in :) !poof! its gone

    Don't tell GEORGE, that happens to his posts all the time :)

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