Inquiries over 1 year old

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by hilgi, Aug 16, 2004.

  1. hilgi

    hilgi Member

    I have heard that inquiries over one year old can be removed, is that true and if so what reason do I give the Credit bureaus?
  2. KevPochop

    KevPochop Well-Known Member

    You can dispute all inquiries as "you never applied for credit with that company" but inquiries over one year old does NOT affect your score at all.
  3. ca0me15

    ca0me15 Banned

    An important thing to remember, your credit score DOES NOT HAVE TO BE AFFECTED TO HAVE A "good" CASE.

    Because the statutes are "Strict liability", all you have to prove is that the inquiry was impermissible (if that is the concern)

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