
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by whyspers, Apr 23, 2002.

  1. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Okay...this is an entirely different post than the one I made earlier today. I don't know what happened to my self-control, but it went flying out the window and I applied for a bunch of Nothing was approved instantly, so I'm not expecting anything from those applications. Now I am repenting of my actions and want to know the best way to get rid of these inquiries. Okay...wait two years. I know...I was very, very bad and can't believe what I just did!

    At any rate...I hate to even ask this, but for those who sued EX...did you have any luck in making deletion of inquiries a part of any settlement? If they will delete my inquiry section, I'll sign their confidentiality claused release and dismiss the I'm desperate!

    L <--feeling very ashamed right now
  2. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    awwwwwww whyspers,

    More than just you have done the same, don't feel ashamed. There wouldn't be anyone on or reading this board, and there's a lot of us, if we bowed to the shame those creditors would like us to feel.

    Inquiries???? Are you sure someone wasn't using your computer and accidently clicked on something trying to get to the solataire game?

    I'd not lose one wink of sleep over disputing those, especially if you applied online and weren't approved.

    I've noticed though, a good number of the online applications don't pull your credit, I was going to ask about that before, they must use an in-house screening process or something else.
  3. Candi

    Candi Well-Known Member

    Don't feel bad, I did the same thing. I applied for the target card and kohls store card. Got both of them. They pulled equifax. Then I got a sprint pcs cell phone and tryed for a kmart cap. one. Both pulled experian. I got a email today saying that my phone is ready for shipment and since Im on a roll I called called cap one (I didnt get the instant in store approval) approved for $800. So then began my quest for someone who pulled TU as they are my best report. I tryed MBNA & BofA. I found out today the bofa was approved but not the MBNA. So now I have to get rid of some inquries cause I already had a few before this last episode. Oh well at least this time I got approved for a few.
    You may still get something. my cap one and bofa didnt approve instantly. But I know you got the inquirie blues.
  4. wolverine

    wolverine Well-Known Member

    Experian will still delete if you do CRRR with the "no legitimate business purpose" letter. It's not like the good old days a couple of months ago where you could just dispute away online and watch them disappear, but you can still get rid of them.
  5. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Thanks, everyone. Sassy, you really cheered me I swear I don't know what I was thinking. All this hard work and then the very DAY I have a clean report, I do something like this. Sheesh. It was my desperation to get rid of Providian, but I've decided to hit hubby up for a loan and pay them off. Wonder if I have a zero balance if they will waive the annual fee. They make up a large portion of my credit and are my oldest tradelines. I despise what they have done, but they are already <bleep>ing me once...I don't want them to do it twice by taking another ding by closing their accounts.

    At least I'm not the only one that has done this. Wolverine, thanks for the advice. I'll give that a try and see what happens. Just hope the same bug doesn't bite me once TU deletes this final Of course, once they do...I just HAVE to try Generations Bank.

  6. genmorr

    genmorr Well-Known Member

    Where can I apply for Generations Bank? Do you know what type of scores you need?
  7. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    whyspers, Why not just dispute the inquiries via snail mail? Charlie
  8. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    650+ score and no severe derogs and no recent derogs. Other than that, I don't know the criteria. They pull TU and don't report so its kinda hidden credit.

  9. wolverine

    wolverine Well-Known Member

    they will email you their underwriting criteria if you ask. 650 minimum. If you have over 730 TU score, you get lowest apr, 9.9. They have a sliding scale down to 650 which gets you in the 18-20% range.
  10. linda99

    linda99 Member

    I just sent a couple of online ones this letter via PFB.

    I recently received a copy of my Experian and Transunions credit reports. The credit reports showed a credit inquiry by your company that I do not recall authorizing. I understand that you shouldn't be allowed to put an inquiry on my file unless I have authorized it. Please have this inquiry removed from my credit file because it is making it very difficult for me to acquire credit.

    Based on the FCRA, I must have authorized you to review my credit with written permission. If you find that I am remiss, and you did have my authorization to inquire into my credit report, then please send me proof of this by forwarding me a copy of that written authorization. If you are unable to provide me with proof or do not retain records of such authorization, please promptly remove the inquiry from my credit report and send me written confirmation of the removal.

    I would appreciate your prompt response. Please be so kind as to forward me documentation that you have had the unauthorized inquiry removed.

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