Inquiry Mania

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DaveLV, Dec 6, 2001.

  1. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    In a fit of weakness last month I began to apply for credit. I racked up quite a few inquiries, mostly on Experian. I applied for three Amex cards. One was approved. I applied for Target which was approved and Discover which was denied. I applied for two Citibank cards which were approved with only one inquiry on TU.

    I disputed the Target, Discover and all but one Amex inquiry with Experian. Two Amex inquiries were removed today. I also applied for Amex back in May which was declined and disputed away the inquiry. I have concluded unscientifically that Amex never verifies inquiries. For the hell of it and before my new Amex card reports I've just started a dispute on the remaining inquiry.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Lets say that they PAY $5.00 to pull a credit report...
    You dispute the INQUIRY...they pay $35.00 to investigate it...


    YOU WIN...

    For some reason, waiting 90 + days after the inquiry works best...
  3. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    LIGHTBULB FLASH - COOL then let's all continually apply for credit (of which we will continually get denied because of 2000+ inquiries) then we dispute the $40 bucks a shot we can bankrupt them each in about 6 months :))) ---Devlish laughter-- Bwaaahahaaaa

    -Peace, Dave
  4. leo728

    leo728 Well-Known Member

    not sure about amex not verifying inquiries. I disputed two recent amex inquiries from experian and they came back verified! But it might have been because I did get approved for those cards lol.
  5. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    I'll bet Dave's strategy of disputing before the new card reports is the key with AmEx.

    By the way, is "Inquiry Mania" the unipolar opposite of "Inquiry Depression"? Will brisk walks outside, a regimen of Zoloft, and a couple years of psychotherapy help? I'm ready to write it up as a suggested inclusion for the next revision of the DSM.

  6. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    On my Experian report - Amex never verifies inquiries, Chase always does.
  7. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Doc, it sure felt like it to me. That would be cool if I made it into the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. Maybe DSM-V will be DaveLV's big break!
  8. VJ

    VJ Well-Known Member

    Re:AMEX doesn't dispute inquries..

    Good Guess Dave. Amex does not dispute inquiries unless there is a question of fraud.

    Below, please find some of my phone notes regarding research of AMex:
    New Acct Division

    American Express
    Credit Bureau Contact Unit
    Mrs. xxxxx, called her on 10/xx/01

    Address for Legal Service;
    Al Kelley, Pres.
    Ken Chenault, CEO
    Executive Offices
    200 Vesey St.
    NY, NY 10285-4900

    Customer Relations Dept.
    Nadine x- unknown or Shain x- 9142578
    877 581 0876
    Fax 866 635 3501

    Telephone Contact - Note Highlights

    10/xx/01-Mrs. xxxxx mentioned that contrary to popular belief, AMEX receives UDF dispute forms from all CRAs, including Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian, involving disputes that have been initiated to the CRAs by certified letter, as all incorrect information is disputable,in the UDF form.
    Interestingly, the actual application for an AMEX card is not in the AMEX Credit Bureau Contact Unit database that actually receives the dispute, and they are not authorized to go looking for the credit card application, so as a general rule, all requests for verification of inquiries by Amex are not ever confirmed or denied, or responded to in any way, except possible fraud, as they just canâ??t access the information on the application.
    Therefore ALL CRA inquiry disputes involving Amex should result in the inquiry being removed as it was not confirmed within required 30 day verification window.
    FYI-Any request for reconsideration may result in another credit report being pulled,usually eq, but exp also possible.
    Personal note- not really a good idea to dispute a cc acct that is reporting as cras may stigmatize your future disputes.
  9. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:AMEX doesn't dispute inqurie

    VJ, that should be "200 Vesey St." I believe Bessey is a cow. :) In any event, Vesey St., the address for the World Financial Center in Manhattan, was evacuated following the tragedy that occurred immediately next door on September 11. Of course mail to American Express is being forwarded.

  10. VJ

    VJ Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:AMEX doesn't dispute inqurie

    Correctly edited,thanks.
    I said good phone notes,not perfect.Still good info.

  11. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:AMEX doesn't dispute inqurie

    YES! Discover deleted today too. Now the only two inquiries showing in the last six months are from Target and Amex -- both of which were approved. My pre-inquiry mania score was 666, down to 643 with five inquiries and now back up to 657 today. I should get that 660's score back if either Target or Amex is deleted before the new accounts report.
  12. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:AMEX doesn't dispute inqurie

    Hope it works. Target and AMEX both report very quickly.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:AMEX doesn't dispute inqurie

    How did you calculate that it costs them that much to investigate?
  14. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:AMEX doesn't dispute inqurie

    I just guessed...
  15. Trade4Livn

    Trade4Livn Well-Known Member

    OK - newbie question.......what is the best way to dispute these items......can you do it online?
  16. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:AMEX doesn't dispute inqurie


    I know this has been asked 1000 times, but did you dipute online at EX through CreditExpert?

    I can't get a single inquiry removed from any of the 3 no matter how I try, online or letter.
  17. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:AMEX doesn't dispute inqurie

    Everytime I dispute inquiries one ALWAYS comes back verified, then I dispute a few more and that one that WAS verified comes off and a new one is verified, same cycle.
  18. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:AMEX doesn't dispute inqurie

    Pat, yes this is with Experian online.

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