I've searched all over the boards but can't recall where I saw the post that Inquiries count against you if you're just shopping around for credit. But if you opened an account with a company should it still stay on as a ding agaist you for another 2 years, therefore counting -8 points for the inquiry plus lowering your overall score by having a recent account -3 points even though all is paid in full an up to date. I realize that the credit market as of this moment is at a stand still, but that still doesn't explain why both Experian and TRU have both (according to My FICO) too many recent inquiries and too many recent accounts. If someone can clear up the inquiry question I would much appreciate it! TransUnion 698 Equifax 685 Experian 710 fako 717
Sounds like what you are thinking of is when someone is shopping for a car or mortgage, generating several inquiries over a short period - they are only supposed to count as one. Yes
The impact to your score lessens as the inquiry ages. It counts most in the first few months, and not nearly as much after six months to a year. It's not a specific number of points per inquiry--the score depends upon your overall credit report.