Inquiry That's Not Mine!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DieselGirl, Jan 20, 2005.

  1. DieselGirl

    DieselGirl Member

    My Providian FAKO credit profile is reporting I have 2 inquiries. To the best of my knowledge, I've only authorized one inquiry in the past 2 years.

    I'd like to get a copy of my credit report to see what this is all about, but don't really want to pay for a report. Is there a way I can get a free report to see what the inquiry was for (just cancelled my trial with PrivacyGuard, so that won't work)?

    Just ocurred to me I applied for a job on Monday and authorized them to pull a credit report (Damn, I'm screwed - just put a new computer on one card and intended to write a check before I had to pay interest, forgot it would eat up my available balance) - would this come up as a hard inquiry?

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Requesting your credit report SHOULD NEVER BE A HARD under any circumstances!!!
  3. Ice_Siren

    Ice_Siren Well-Known Member

    It may or may not show. When I worked in the insurance industry I worked for 2 companies. During the hiring process one company managed a soft pull, the other showed up as a hard.
  4. DieselGirl

    DieselGirl Member

    Grrr, paid the $12 and checked my TU report. Turns out it was the apartment complex where I live. I moved in in September, they said no need to pull my report. I've paid the rent on time every month, and for some reason they just pulled my report. Jerks.

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