Insurace scoring article

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Dani, May 16, 2002.

  1. equalizer

    equalizer Member

    Sara, you said:
    Un-fricking-believable. What, then, is insurance supposed to be for, if not for making claims when you have damages? WHAT? Buy insurance then pay your own damages too? What kind of nonsense is this?

    It's not welfare, it's insurance! Yet it appears that the corporate greed orgy masters have turned everything upside down. Ludicrous.
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    1*I guess I should just be grateful that the seven years on my Chap13 BK will be up in June of 2003, and maybe this insurance nightmare will over for me, though I feel compassion for anyone who has to suffer through it beyond that.

    2*do something about this raping and pillaging.
    1*Don't be surprised if your insurance stays the same price after the BK drops off.
    I have never seen or heard of insurance premiums going back down after your credit worth improves.

    2* This is exactly what scoring and credit reporting is.!!!
    It is used for that very purpose in both the insurance and credit industries.
  3. Sara

    Sara New Member


    You are correct, it is ludicrous.

    And, preliminary findings from the Texas Dept. of insurance are finding that the mold problem in Texas is a problem manufactured by the insurance companies. They delay and deny claims until the damage is widespread and mold becomes an issue.

    Here again, disposable income is the key. A person who can cover the loss and not deal with the insurance company is less likely to need and fight for the compensation from the insurance company or they can just wait to be reimbursed.

    A consumer who needs the compensation is then at the disadvantage.This could be due to medical biils, a layoff (any number of reasons) or simply not enough income to save for a rainy day.

    The insurance companies are not attempting to reduce their risk, they are attempting to eliminate it.

    Take care!
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    2*do something about this raping and pillaging.
    What people need to do is refuse to deal with them .
  5. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Insurance scoring article erik776 | 222 posts
    Have you gotten a secured credit card to raise your score?
    This just shows the logic of using credit reports to set premiums and proves it is nothing but a con job.
    Please by all means do get a secured credit card as it will make you a better safer driver.
    I wish every driver had a secured card then I would feel much safer out on the highway!
  6. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Yep it's quite a fleece:
    Folks should stop buying from all of them who use credit reports.
  7. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    The insurance companies are not attempting to reduce their risk, they are attempting to eliminate it.

    Sara | 4 posts since May 2002
    They want your money but they don't want to earn it.
    They expect folks to hand over the money but they don't want to have to do anything for it.

    This is todays corporate attitude they think you owe them something for nothing.
    I say it's high time that we Quit giving it to them.

  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    The solution to car insurance and credit is for people to refuse to buy auto insurance.There is a better way.

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