Intent To Sue Ic System Please Help

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by joer, Mar 1, 2002.

  1. joer

    joer Well-Known Member

    I have a pd collection acoount with ic systems.I sent them a validation notice with no response,thereafter i sent them a e stoppel letter also with no reponse.All the letters i sent were certified with a return receipts.Now i had enough and want to take them to court.Do i sue them in my county court?small claims or civil?Need some advice on how to approach this matter.Thank you.
  2. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    I dealt with them last year. After I finally figured out what to do, I sent them a validation letter. They never responded, but, they deleted the negatives from my reports. That satisfied me. Have you checked your reports to see if they deleted rather than answering your validation request?

    My impression was that they decided it just was not worth the effort to fight me so they deleted.
  3. shameen29

    shameen29 Well-Known Member

    Was yours for a paid collection? how much was your bill for? I have 2 unpaid collections (from a bank) with them totalling $1500 and I've sent them a validation letter and the 30-day time limit is almost up and then i'm going to send an estoppel.
  4. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    $50 paid collection that was 3 years old but did not show up on report until 2 1/2 years after they said it was paid. This was not my account and they knew they could not prove it was.
  5. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know if there is a time limit on how long after the fact an item can first be reported.?
  6. autotr8er

    autotr8er New Member

    If you have the actual letter stating that the account has been paid off, then send the proof to the credit bureaus and they will update the information. You can sue Ic, but it will be more trouble than it's worth. They know that and that is probably why you are not getting a response. Good luck
  7. JCandel

    JCandel Active Member

    In which way will the CRA updated this paid information????
    1) will they DELETE or
    2) will they updated as PAID????

  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    It wasn't Val. so make them Del. it !
  9. Terry

    Terry Well-Known Member


    I had something similar happen. Check your reports to see if a) the collection is gone, or b) they notated your account to "Disputed by Consumer"

    Sometimes collection agencies won't respond to validation requests, they will remove the tradeline. I experienced this with NCO.

    If the tradeline is still listed on your report, and there is no indication that its in dispute, you have them.

    You have 2 options as I see it.

    1. Pull your credit reports to ensure the tradeline is not listed. If it is listed on your report, and it doesn't say "Disputed by Consumer". Go to your local magistrate and file a complaint for violations of the FCRA. You can get them for 2 violations (possibly 3 if they didn't add the statement "Disputed by Consumer to your credit reports.

    2. Make copies of your requests for validation, including copies of the return receipts and send the bureau (s) that has the tradeline. Demand they remove the tradeline for violations of the FCRA. The law says they MUST validate within 30 days. If they don't respond they must remove the tradeline.

    Personally, I would sue. Someone will contact you immediately for settlement. Especially over a $50.00 collection.

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