Intent to sue letter..

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by badgirl, Sep 25, 2004.

  1. badgirl

    badgirl Well-Known Member

    Where can i find a sample?
  2. badgirl

    badgirl Well-Known Member

  3. DukeaK

    DukeaK Well-Known Member

    Im not sure if this is what you are looking for.......

    Your Name
    Your address
    Your social security number

    Dear CRA,

    REF: Intent to file suit- violation of the FCRA

    It is a crime to threaten suit with no intention of doing so therefore you can take heed that I am very serious about filing suit against your company. I have sent four previous letters to you, all by certified mail (receipts enclosed) requesting that you remove inaccurate information from my file and you have failed to do so.

    Accordingly, I can show a judge that these accounts are inaccurate and that you violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act by ignoring my requests to investigate the items. My previous letters- all sent certified mail- stated my reasons for an investigation and these reasons were not frivolous in anyway.

    If this final request does not prompt you to conduct a proper investigation of the accounts in question and also send proof to me of said investigation, I will file a civil suit in my county for damages. You can then travel to defend yourself.

    I take my credit very serious and your lack of professionalism and assistance disgusts me. I am well aware of my rights under the FCRA and intend to pursue them to the maximum.

    I anticipate your response.

    Your signature

    cc: Federal Trade Commission; Attorney General
  4. badgirl

    badgirl Well-Known Member

    Just for the FCBA..
  5. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    I2S's are extremely specific to the circumstances involved.

    So you'ld have to write out the I2S on your own. The actual law being involved doesn't matter as far as looking off of an example, since you'll need to customize everything based on your specific situation.
  6. badgirl

    badgirl Well-Known Member

    ok.. What about sample? Sorry, this is my first time wiriting this letter..
  7. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

  8. badgirl

    badgirl Well-Known Member

    LMAO.. I'm doing the same with Chase Manhattan bank.. Ugh, it's a long story.

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