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Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dogman, May 22, 2002.

  1. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    I know we have had posts about internet security - and the need for antivirus / intrusion protection / and attack prevention. ESPECIALLY with DSL!!!

    While on this morning - my PC was attempted to be hacked 3 times by 3 different computers/hackers!!
    Norton Internet Security 2002 again prevented everything and warned me, then I traced the hackers.

    One attempt was from AOL hub near Washington DC - an AOL user.

    The second was a hacker in SEOUL KOREA - trying to mess with my PC!

    The third trace said the user had up a visual firewall and they could NOT ID the hacker!

    Remember, even if you are using dialup, your computers back door is wide open - if you do not
    have a security package.

    I recommend Norton Internet Security 2002 - and it can be bought or downloaded from symantec.com.

  2. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    yah whats funny is all the servers that are wide open too. You can check your server (work/home) at www.vulnerabilities.org , for free. I built the site and let people use it for free for the good of the internet... So many people running win NT/2K at home have their buttz wide open, its not even funny.
  3. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    I'll check it out SAM!
    I see my Norton is flashing again...
    at least these things are bouncing off my terminal LOL!

    later - dogman
  4. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    nice site - bppkmarked - will do my report shortly.
    KEWL - very glad to find out about this.

    thx mirage - dog
  5. matt_r

    matt_r Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know how ZONE ALARM is? I have this installed on my PC at home and from what I can tell, it is supposed to block anyone from coming in the back door.

    It was free, I'm just wondering if anyone knows the difference between this and symantec.

    Thanks, matt.
  6. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Zone Alarm is great!!
  7. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Of course you still have to use a little discretion - someone sent me a sweet little attachment last night. I scanned, of course, before I clicked, and it was magistr32@mm - a little doozy that disables the ZA user interface, sends itself to every email address it can find, and then guts your puter - if you open it.

    Then I clicked on a message board link to Kristy's site and suddenly there was this squirming little bug on my screen - a Java Script bug looking for a place to build a nest. LOL. You still gotta use your head.
  8. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member


    Were these actual penetration attempts or were they just "doorknob-twisting"? Or better yet, were they simple pings from someone running a scan tool?

    Not every unsolicited incoming packet is the result of malicious intent. Sometimes people scan remote networks looking for public HTTP/FTP/Windows servers. I've done it myself.

    No need to get that "violated" feeling from someone pinging you...

  9. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    Okay..I'm lost. My dad has a cable modem and he gets a little Norton thing flashing and a little message that someone's trying to fiddle with his computer.

    I got nothing. I have DSL and when I inquired about a firewall they said it's already included and that I didn't need to do anything. Sounded good to me. However I'm starting to wonder, as I keep some rather personal stuff on my computer.

    Can someone direct me? I've got aSpeedStreem 5667 modem http://www.speedstream.com/datasheet_5667.html and I've no idea what firewall as my system looks and acts the same as before I got DSL. I'm running XP if that matters.

    Do I need to get a another or a different firewall? I'm really lost here. I've been wondering this since I got DSL (cable unavailable here) and figured this was a good time to ask!

  10. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Ozzy, simple answer:


    They have a bulletproof firewall that is free to consumers for home use.

    How it works is, you tell the firewall each application you use... and to allow, or disallow, it to access the Internet (like Outlook for email, and IE for browsing etc...) That way you know EXACTLY the applications allowed to access the Internet from your computer and ZoneAlarm prevents anything else from sending or receiving information.

    I just ran the vulnerability scan and it reported NO problem with my system using ZoneAlarm.

    -Peace, Dave
  11. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    ZoneAlarm is the way.... The Stealth Mode makes you invisible, you can't hack what you can't see. Most of the alerts tell you what type of traffic it is. Your own ISP will send a pings to you, when you, visit websites, you're going to get traffic sent back to you. If you're using XP it comes with a firewall, however i wouldn't use that as my only protection. Good Firewall and Antivirus Software will make you safe. It'll take time to get use to all the traffic, not every alert is a Hack. Nice Link Sam...
  12. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    Okay.. zonealarm it is! But this raises another question - if I already have a firewall will downloading another one cause me problems? I'm learning that some applications don't play nice together. I can't figure out *how* I have a firewall since I can't find anything under programs that remotely suggests a firewall... but the phone company assured me that I was protected.

    Thanks, guys!

  13. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    No, this is simply added software that runs on your machine and restricts application usage. I use it along with a firewall at work and it works fine.

    You will have to get accustomed to Zonealarm though. Setting it up is easy but will require a bit of learning new things...

    For instance, when first you run IE to open a web page, an alert will pop up asking you "Is it OK for IE to access the Internet (Y/N/A)?" You can check Yes, No, or ALWAYS (so that you are not asked again and again everytime you run IE)

    Not that it is complicated, but you will have a bit of an adjustment period.

    Also you will begin seeing ALERTS from possible hackers....this will innundate you since there are A LOT of devices constantly pinging DSL lines to see what is out there....First this will scare you...after seeing this alert over and over and realizing that the alert is just saying "ZoneAlarm has protected you from XX.YY.ZZ IP address" you will want to disable the alert from annoying you :)

    -Peace, Dave
  14. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    Such a wealth of information you guys are!

    Okay.... I downloaded the free version of it - might try the $ versions after I see how this goes - but after I enter my name and email info... there's a little box that says 'next' that is supposed to be able to be clicked to continue installation - I can't click it! only thing I can click is the advertisement for the Pro version...


  15. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    That is just the intorduction screen...once you close it, you will see something appear in your System Tray. Then it is running and you will get the messages and alerts I described above.

    You do not need the $$ version. It is for corporate users who intend to use the product for business purposes...the fee version is more than enough protection....Well, get a virus detection program too...then you are set.

    -Peace, Dave
  16. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    I have heard great things about ZONEAlarm..
    I already had NORTON - but get a firewall - and yup STEALTH MODE is GREAT!

    Some companies include their own FIREWALL as part of the DSL pack. BUT, run the vulnerability test for sure. TELCOS take a looonnngggg timmee...

    aarrf dogman
  17. dfwgt

    dfwgt Well-Known Member

    Throwing my .02 in

    Myself, as well as Zonealarm, I downloaded Download Accelerator. Basically it's like GoZilla in that it's main purpose is to speed up downloads.

    However, you can add extensions such as .doc , .vbs, etc. That way if you go to a website (MSNBC is notarious for this) then download accelerator will catch it before it's automatically downloaded to your system.

    Maybe it's just me being paranoid, but i'd rather not have anything downloaded to my system without me knowing about it...
  18. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    ozzyburger what version of xp do you have? I think the $$$ for ZoneAlarm is well worth it. Some think hardware firewalls are better, but Zonealarm by far is the best software firewall, sorry norton lovers... but i use norton antivirus as a loopback virus protection.

    Ozzyburger if you have XP below is a way to enable the firewall. I have Professional, i guess this works for home edition also..

    To enable or disable Internet Connection

    Open Network Connections
    Click the Dial-up, LAN or High-Speed Internet connection that you want to protect, and then, under Network Tasks, click Change settings of this connection.
    On the Advanced tab, under Internet Connection Firewall, select one of the following:
    To enable Internet Connection Firewall (ICF), select the Protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing access to this computer from the Internet check box.
    To disable Internet Connection Firewall, clear the Protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing access to this computer from the Internet check box.

    To open Network Connections, click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Network Connections.
    You must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group in order to complete this procedure. If your computer is connected to a network, network policy settings may also prevent you from completing this procedure.
    If you clear the Protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing access to this computer from the Internet check box, the firewall on your computer is disabled, and your network is vulnerable to intrusions.
    You should not enable Internet Connection Firewall on virtual private networking (VPN) connections or on client computers because ICF will interfere with file and printer sharing.
    ICF cannot be enabled on the private connections of the Internet Connection Sharing host computer.
    Internet Connection Sharing, Internet Connection Firewall, Discovery and Control, and Network Bridge are not available on Windows XP 64-Bit Edition.
  19. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    Okay, I'm confused again. Nave, when I try to install it I get that little box that asks for my name and I fill that in and I'm unable to continue installation - the only clickable thing is the link for the pro version.. when I exit out of that it tells me that if I exit installation will not be complete. So nothing comes up in my tray. But no other option appears. I don't get it. I've never had problems installing anything before.

    Backspace, thank you for the specifics. All I can find under 'system' is that I have xp 2002... I followed your directions and what you indicated is already checked - so apparently the firewall that came with the modem is up and running... but I've never gotten any sort of notification like my dad gets on his cable modem...

    I appreciate you guys helping me through this - I'm utterly lost.

  20. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    Nevermind... I'm an idiot. I emailed zone alarm tech support last night - there are 3 fields that needed characters filled in - name, business and email - I was leaving business blank and therefore, the 'next' button wasn't able to be clicked.

    All better now. =-)


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