Is CE playing games?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Rina, Mar 8, 2002.

  1. Rina

    Rina Well-Known Member

    Does anyone notice a CE point jump near the end of your trial period?

    I tried CE last December & started out @ 685. A couple of weeks and a deletion later, I was up in the 700 range. But a couple of days before the trial's end, up 3 points.

    This morning, 2 days before this trial ends, another 3 points!

    P.S. lbrown59, I already know what you're gonna say, but if can't help yourself, go ahead!
  2. donnav025

    donnav025 Well-Known Member

    Are the scores still broken or whatever?? I had several things deleted 2 weeks ago - score jumped 52 points. Had a judgement deleted 3 days ago and didn't even gain one stinkin' point!
  3. spiderman

    spiderman Well-Known Member

    maybe I'll delete my account with them!!

    The only time my score has gone up with them is when I had some inquiries and a derog deleted.

    Which was funny (the derog), I only asked them to change the last activity date, since it was 3 years after the true date.

    I guess the CC couldn't verify, so they changed it to "Paid As Agreed". With that information, I pulled my Transunion and Equifax to dispute it there, and they were already stating it as "Paid As Agreed".

    Weird how it works out. This one was my only "It truly was mine, I'll live with it" item. The other issomething I'm disputing now, as I've never seen a bill for it in over 12 years, but the CC was still being used by the other account holder (ex-wife). She screwed that one up back in 1997. Last derog.

    The one that morally should stay on, comes off, the one that morally should (in my opinion) come off, stays on.
  4. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    And I was just about to post a message about how I thought it was starting to make sense....had an inquiry lost 2pts...last week...this week it was deleted(today) and I gained my 2pts
  5. Rina

    Rina Well-Known Member


    That's something I've had no luck doing with TransUnion. It was a hard inquiry, but I'll have to write to the company who pulled it to get it removed.


    I'm glad it's not "just me"!

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