to dispute? I disputed things w/ them and just found out that, out of the 8 (I KNOW, too many at once) things I disputed, 2 items were updated and 4 remain. The other two are still pending! This has truly put a damper on my efforts! Any thoughts or suggestions, anyone? Thank you )
Thoughts or suggestions? They SUCK. They have been by FAR the most difficult for me. Mine and hubby's TU and EQ are both clean after one year and there are still about 10 total derogs on EX. So don't get discouraged, it's just like people, some are more difficult to deal with than others, but it will end up the same, just takes a little longer. Anna
They are ALL minimum wage droids that probably can't read! I say this because I have explained my disputes carefully by phone and in writing and they still can't get it right. Case in point: Collection Recovery Services agreed to delete a tradeline. Simple, right? Not so. Collection Recovery is also JJ Mac Intyre. CRA says the letter isn't from Collection Recovery, it's from JJ Mac Intyre! This is how it was on the letterhead: J J Mac Intyre (this was larger type) Collection Recovery Services (this was smaller) Gimme a break!
In my experience, Experian has been the easiest, with Equifax being the worst and Transunion being in the middle. With experian, you should only do so many at a time and if doing them on-line hasn't garnered me the results I would have liked, I usually write a strongly worded letter to their Consumer Services section. That usually gets the trick done. Experian is my cleanest report. I only have two derogs left. One $16 dollar collection and one for $132. I'm almost home free.
For me Experian has been the easiest and Equifax the absolute worst. TU is right in the middle. EX deleted names and address with ease, EQ been waithing for ever. TU did it in reasonalble time.
I hate Experian!! TU has been the easiest, by far. Everything just got deleted. EQ still has one very old derog that they seem to want to hold onto, even though it falls off in a few months anyway. I have just now started making progress w/ EXP. My score went up 51 points in the last 2 weeks, but before then, nothing moved. I have one derog left, and they will delete it soon, hopefully, when I mail them the hate letter I have in the works (at the very least, they'll update the unpaid status, and it falls off in a year!)
I'll tell you what makes them even more horrible in my eyes..... They refused to delete stuff the BOTH TU and EQ deleted. I then went the debt validation route. Not only did EX continue to verify (as accurate yet the data changes!), but now 2 of the CA re-reported to both EQ and TU and are verifying once again. The worst is THESE ARE NOT MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ex idiots, can "read" enough to see that a set of data on one derog "couldn't possibly be right" but not enough INTELLECT to realize that the FCRA requires them to delete. As far as they are concerned, if the CA won't say that it is not accurate, then they continue to report it. Threatened to sue. My file is now in the hands of the "Special Services Department" so CE has me blocked. Good Lord!
Hi I hate experian they are quick to verify... Smogtek, have you tried to to verify the collection recovery service again after they agreed to delete? My acct with them was finally deleted the weird thing is my experian report shows it deleted but when I was sent the update email it is showing as remains.. However its not there on the actual report so I'm not concerned yet...I too have a letter stating it should be deleted so if it comes back I'm but I would try to investigate it again if you can.... good luck Jamie
Jamie, Got an updated report today. Collection Recovery is GONE - finally! Now, onward to the judgment that is keeping me from my mortgage. Sure hope I don't have to get a hired gun for this one. CRAs aren't the brightest bulbs on the ole Christmas tree! I got this EX report where it shows a CA scheduled to be deleted 8/28/02, but it's not even on the report dated 8/22/02! GO FIGURE! EQ has been the worst to deal with. I swear they can't even read!
smogtek, the judgement that's keeping you from your mortgage, is it unpaid or paid? How old is it? I have a paid judgement, 5 1/2 yrs old. Just showing up on Exp. (of course) I just sent them a nasty letter, but it probably won't do any good? Just wondering if it would keep me from getting a house too? I'm not even going to be in the market for another year, and by then it would be w/in 6 months of coming off. Just curious!
Tracy, It's unpaid and about 4+ years old. Mortgage broker told me it would have to be paid or off the report to get the mortgage - prime that is. If I want a sub-prime at 7.75%, it won't count. I'm still working to get it off and should know right after Labor Day. Cross your fingers.