I tried to access my Experian report online last night and again this morning. I got the system error. Is this happening for anyone else? I always worry when this happens, thinking that they are blocking me for some reason...
Thanks everyone... I'm paranoid with this now, since Equifax has had me blocked for over a month. I got serious in my disputes with them, including having them as a party in my lawsuit against Arrow Financial (Equifax immediately deleted the derog when they were sued), and since then they have been giving me the runaround and not letting me access my file.
i can't get in either. I do not have any pending action against them, nor have any of my disputes with the CRA been labelled as frivolous. (YET !!! )
i had problems with them yesterday (6/22) when i was ordering the credit report. they said they cannot process and i will have to call them. i thought they have some problem with my file or identification information etc. now i know it is their system. this also means no online reports ordering, and additional 6-8 days delays to get the report in mail...
Hi You think thats frusrtating..they e-mailed me friday with inverstigation results..and I can't get to them.... Arrgggggg Jamie
I'm kind of in the same boat. I got an email from creditwatch saying a change has been made to my report. This always freaks me out so I went online to check, and I can't get in. I just checked the report two days ago and nothing had changed, I think its just a new inquiry. That brings up another point: does the creditwatch service email you when ANYTHING changes on your report? For instance when an inquiry is put on, etc.?
i knew something did not quite sound right, when i was reading the earlier post. creditwatch is equifax and not experian....
Best thing to do is give them a call. I wasn't able to access my info for over three weeks. When I finally called she told me my file was too big to be seen online. The reason for this, Equifax puts at least 2 inquiries on your report each time you access your credit report. They sometimes put 4 each time. When I asked the woman on the phone about it, she had no answer, she just offered to refund my subscription fee right there on the spot
Yes, I began this post talking about Experian and their online credit report. I then incorrectly specified creditwatch as the product when I meant to say creditexpert. Sorry for the confusion. I have been locked out of CREDITWATCH for over a month now and they keep telling me their supervisor is looking into it, but it remains locked. I no longer have the Experian creditexpert product, but I keep getting emails telling me that something has changed on my report. Doesn't matter anyway, since I can't get access to their system. By the way, just in case you all didn't know, you can keep track of your current Experian credit report just by clicking on the "request an investigation" link on their website and entering any credit report number that you received in the past. When you get access (for free) you will find that as things get updated, this "past report" will also continually be updated. No need to purchase reports! Just a little trick...
AntBubba, Did they eventually let you have access to it again online? Or are you just out of luck from now on?? I really need access to my reports online. I can't keep ordering them through the mail, it takes way too long.
No the woman just refunded my fees, pro-rated of course, right on the spot. I kept explaining to her I wanted to continue the service but I wanted access to my info. I was in the middle of disputing some stuff which was supposed to be done this week. I am hoping I get the updated report in the mail. I am still SO frustrated by the whole Credit Watch experience.