the flame just will not die ont his one. I sent a certified validation letter to IC Systems 33 days ago, and no response. I sent a second letter via fax to their CEO giving them 15 days to provide evidence for the account. In the meantime, I diputed the account w/ all 3 CRA's. TU and EQ were so nice and put the item in problem, no questions. Then comes EX (I HATE THEM!!!!!!!) the old hag that answered the call told me that she could not put the item in dispute. I exlplained everything to her about my previous actions and how I did not hear a reponse in 30 days...she told me that IC Systems does not have a time limit on when to respond to me. I said..hmmmm that's funny, so they can just put whatever they please on my CR and not give evidence??? She had nothing to say back to that, just kept saying that the CA does not need to supply evidence for their claim. i said again...hmmm that's funny, so if I dispute an inaccurate blanace then they can just come back and verify "validated" and that's it??? I told her to put it into dispute, that is my right as a consumer, no questioned asked. She did and I asked for the confirmation number...she dragged her feet and then finally spit one out. WHY is it sooo hard???????? TU and EQ were so pleasant and nice...however; they better delete that puppy!
Did you file complaint with the ag also? I filed a complaint with mn, ag. I don't think that much will come from it, but if we do enough, it will get attention! are you filing in small claims or federal?
Re: Is it me???No, it's them, right My plan is to wait the 15 days out for the second validation letter to expire and then file a complaint w/ BBB and AG in Minnesota. Actually a credit netter gave me an attorney name that I beleive is getting together info on IC Systems for a possible class action suit. I need to wait until I have enough evidence to support my case first.