Is it time to sue?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by austin0i, Apr 9, 2005.

  1. austin0i

    austin0i Member

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    I had a medical bill from years ago in college that went into collections (IC Systems).

    I went ahead and mailed the original creditor a check (doctor's office) in hopes that they would cash it. They did!

    Now, IC Systems is reporting the debt as paid in full collections, but I never paid them! I paid the doctors office!

    Ive already completed the verification process with IC Systms, as well as sent them a request to delete this entry from my credit report since a debt with IC Systems doesn't exist. I have also contacted the doctors office requesting that they contact IC Systems and have them delete the account. I am having trouble getting the doctors office to call me back.

    Is it time to file a lawsuit?

    Thanks for any help anyone can give.

  2. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    did you DV? and what did they send you? do you still have the cancelled check?
  3. austin0i

    austin0i Member

    Yes. I went through the validation process with IC Systems and they sent me a copy of the original invoice.

    Yes, I have a copy of the cancelled check from the doctors office.

    Also, I sent IC Systems a copy of the cancelled check when I requested they delete the entry from my credit report on the grounds that they are attempting to collect on a debt that does not exist.

    I have also disputed this item on my credit reports. I am still waiting for the results of that dispute but I am not optimistic about that outcome, therefore I am trying to prepare to sue if that is the next step.

    Thanks again.

  4. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    an invoice is not sufficient proof of the debt - they would need to provide signed documents showing responsible party, credits/debits and how they arrived at the amount they attempted to collect.
  5. austin0i

    austin0i Member

    I think it is time to sue.

    Thanks for your help.

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