After having a positive change or deletion to your credit report, you can request that the CRA re-send your file to any creditor who has requested your information within the past year. Has anyone had this done? Did doing so reap you any benefit, such as having a previous declination turn into an approval? If this can work, it could possibly save an inquiry. In essence, another legitimate way of re-applying for credit from a lending who declined you in the past. Any thoughts on this. Can this work?
I think it will work with MBNA and Citibank. It might work with Chase. I know all three have reconsidered and approved people who just explained why their credit report wasn't so hot. I would be inclined to believe having that new credit report sent might up the ante.
I dunno, it depends on what an arse the creditor is. I do know my MBNA reconsideration rep told me about the dispute process and how I might need a lawyer to get collection agencies to not misreport. Some of them are human beings. Some are robots of a sick corporate society. It depends on who you get.
"... within two years prior thereto received a consumer report for employment purposes, or within six months prior thereto received a consumer report for any other purpose... " - FCRA You only have six months. I reviewed that a few days ago. I haven't invoked it, but intend to do so. Comedy will surely ensue.
I did this with Citibank. I was turned down for a Citi AA card. Had a judgement on MY EX CR that was not mine. Of course EX verified it as mine. I faxed in proof (a copy of the judgement) that this was not mine, threatened to sue them etc etc.. They deleted the judgement and sent Citi a copy of my corrected report, and behold I was approved for the Citi AA card. Ed
That's great news EdG! Congratulations!! I will ask TU to send a revised copy of my credit report to the lenders that declined me within the past 6 months. Hopefully, I will get at least one approval from this. EdG, another question...How long did it take for Citi to approve you after an update report was sent out? Did you have to follow up with phone calls etc., or did your new card just appeared in your mailbox one day? Thanks for your help!
I called Citi to ask a question regarding reconsidering my application and sending in a corrected CR. The rep told me that they had already received a corrected CR from EX and my application was being reviewed. Three days later I got my Citi card in the mail. I would defiantly call and follow up on the process.