But if they both agree then it would not be irreconcilable difference LOL snip New Yorkers cannot dissolve a marriage for irreconcilable differences, unless they both agree to it
bigmon, there are plenty of cases where people have been convicted of trying to create a new credit file using a EIN or false social security number. A simple google search for "create a new credit file" will come up with many court records dealing with this subject. It is only a matter of time until you would get caught, and when you do, I wish you good luck. This would be a federal crime, and it is a felony. I don't know about you, but I am not willing to go to federal prison for a clean credit history. It is not necessary to break the law to clean up your credit. If you feel this is something you want to do, go for it. But I would suggest refraining from talking about it or suggesting it on this board. It will lead to problems for you, and maybe for creditnet itself. I would hate to see that happen. Besides, I don't know how I would sleep at night knowing that the next time the phone rang, it could be the feds!
This is not something I do. If I did I certainly wouldn't be talking about it here. You don't have use a fake SSN or EIN. It's by accident when some people moved to another state and because the CRA computer didn't identify them it created a new file. There are flaws in the CRA computers. Look at a what happens when your EQ file gets too big. I've had it happend to me with over 10 years of credit history and the credit report says no file found and creates a new one. I dont' know if there is a way to intentionally trip the computer. If you give the correct info and it creates a new file I find it hard to believe the DOJ would spend the time and money to prosecute you.
quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Nestea All you complainers about being moral when contacting the CRA's need to quit being so high and mighty. If you have done any of the things on the list below, then you need to shut yer friggin pie holes about breaking laws. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I find your attitude to others who hold themselves to different standards a bit distasteful. but to just go off on people because they don't agree with a "no holds barred" philosophy is immature. Gib ================ I don't think this is the message Nestea is trying to convey. What TenderLeaf is saying is he who is not without sin should not be casting stones. LB 59
LKH, Breeze, I thought that Nestea was joking. Surely that was all a joke. Nestea, Please tell me you were joking, because if you weren't, then you are a figgin fruit loop! Really. Sirrowan
Re: Is Lying to a CRA Illegal? So i I am sorry, but just because you've done other wrong things in the past is not a very good justification for continuing to do wrong. jymlewis ================== I am sorry, but just because you've done other wrong things in the past is not a very good justification for continuing to do wrong. This is not what the poster is talking about. What they are saying is don't bug me about the clutter in my house when or if your home isn't TIDY! LB 59
If you give the correct info and it creates a new file I find it hard to believe the DOJ would spend the time and money to prosecute you. bigmon ================= I agree on this statement only
Setting the ethics of lying to CRAs aside for a moment, I am interested in the question posed in the subject line of this thread. Is lying, in disputes for instance, actually illegal. If so, does anyone know in what states it is illegal and what penalty it carries?
Thanks Butch, My curiosity was piqued when I received a letter from TU stating that it was illegal in some states to frivolously dispute items in ones credit report, or something to that effect (I don't have the letter with me at the moment). Since I have never heard of anyone being penalized for "lying" to a CRA, outside of disputes being labeled as "frivolous" and ignored, I wondered if such laws existed.
"Lying," is such a nasty word. I prefer, "do not recall." Is that information on the credit report correct? Maybe, maybe not, for I "do not recall."
Let's talk about lying...I started noticing the last collection left on my TU report today(I should've looked along time ago) Something under verification date caught my eye..11/96. I then looked at all the repotrs they have been sending me, same thing 11/96. Then I checked the recent one online, 11/96. So I called and asked them when the last time this account was verified..she said"11/96" So then I asked, well why did you all send me a statement dated 11/15/02 saying that this account was "verified and remains"..SILENCE..then I proceeded to read off the accounts that were deleted at the same time..well, no that was verified 11/02. So I ask, well why did you just tell me that is was 11/96? I was so mad I immediatly emailed Mr. Richman detailing this information, not 5 minutes later she called back, it had been deleted. And there is even a slight question about lying to a CRA???? Please, they lie daily and I wonder to how many people! I am not saying that it is ok, but come on what about lying to us? BTW, this account wasn't my error, it was my "insurance co" but irregardless I was still lied to about verification. Also, if CA's and OC would keep all of their ducks in a row it would not matter whether or not someone was lying to them, they would have all necessary info to prove you wrong..that is the way the law is written! If it wasn't there would be alot more people being bullied by the CA's.
Lori! You are a genious! TU did the same thing to me but I never thought of calling back to ask another agent when the account in question was last verified. That's enough to crucify them in court. I have received those "previously verified" letters from TU and they ditched my dispute. I think all the CN'ers should take note of this. If you get information from the reps that conflicts with the previously verified letter demand deletion or get ready to file suit. I think this should be added to the list of cleaning up your credit and making sure the CRA's REALLY do their job. TU has been notorious for that. If they don't feel like doing their job as required by law then just delete.
From another thread, I said: "I will exercise perfect moral and ethical character in my credit repair dealings, to the precise extent my adversary is willing to do the same". I believe you'll find this an effective philosophy.
i love it butch. that's pretty much my motto. and lori. you are a genius. i am racking up violations with tu and i only began disputing a month ago!!!!!