Is privacy dead?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by chipper, Sep 1, 2004.

  1. chipper

    chipper Well-Known Member

    JJ Mcintyre is the CA, and here is my situation.

    My sister had a collection with them, as did I (my last remaining collection acct). She called, and using her last name they asked if she knew someone with the same last name. She said yes, her Dad has the same last name. She put my Dad on the phone and he discovered it was not his account, but mine (same first legal name).

    They went on to explain the debt, the amount, and what it was for (medical insurance debt). My Dad (only trying to do the right thing) gave them my phone number.

    2 minutes later, I am given a call by the CA, threatening to re-report this deleted debt (my Dad told them I had no such collection accts, which is true) unless I ponied up the money.

    I called the account rep, and he apologized for giving my Dad my info. HOWEVER, he said he has a written letter on file in which I had given my Dad the right to answer debt related questions on my behalf.

    Does that make sense? I'm 29 and live nowhere near my parents. I asked for a fax of the letter, and the said they would be happy to send it over, but still had to re-report the debt.

    I never received the fax (as there is none).

    What the he** is this tactic? If I don't pay by Friday, they report to all 3 CRAs.

    Is this not extortion or some violation?
  2. Ice_Siren

    Ice_Siren Well-Known Member

    Big Fat Violation with witnesses ;)
  3. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    It's a blatant lie to cover their illegal disclosure of a "debt", and specifically medical information, to a 3rd party. Perhaps you could call their bluff, memorialize your conversation with the CA in a letter to them, including that they talked to your dad about the "debt", their claim to have a "letter" on file and that they would FAX it to you, and demand that they send you a copy promptly. Send it CRRR, and follow up if they ignore you.

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