I had 3 credit cards, all closed accounts, that I have paid off about a year ago. My score has improved tremendously since then, but for the past 5 months, my score has been hovering around the 680-695, never breaking 700. I currently own 2 credit cards. I have never been late and I pay both off in full each month, with the total balance never exceeding $40 on either card (out of $500 on each of them). I'm sure those 3 closed accounts are to blame. I've already gone through the dispute process and got 1 deleted but the other 2 remain, I have no idea what to do next.
If those closed accounts were completely positive, and you get them deleted, you will likely see your score fall.
Showing a good "mix" of credit types can improve your score. If both of your cards are generic Visa/MC/Discover type cards, then adding a store card can improve your score. Adding a bank loan will help, too.
The account is marked in dispute. Could constantly being denied apartment leases and credit constitute damages? My FICO score is 714 but this CITI acct seems to trip me up every time, even though it's 5 years old and fully paid off.
It will drop off soon as negative items have a purge date of appx 7 years from first delinquency date
How many credit inquiries do you have on your credit report. Apparently even if you have nothing but positive things on your credit report but a bunch of hard inquiries this can dock you many points. Correct me if I am wrong but I believe that hard inquiries stay on your report for 2 years and then fall off. The general standard is 0-2 is fine 3+ inquiries supposedly show more risk. Just another idea to try to raise your score in case you can't get the others off.
Inquiries usually do not a role in score if you have a bunch of negative data on your report...if you have most good information then that is when they impact your credit score slightly...if you live in CO, TX, VE, or one other state i cant remember at the momenet state laws limit inquiries for only 12 months