I have a old pager account, Date opened: 10/97 last reported: 12/97 This is a PAID account for $110.00, and its in the validation process at this time. The pager company was bought-out a couple of years ago by another company, so i'm pretty sure they arent going to be able to validate. My question is this, If the CA Does NOT validate are the CRA going to be a pain to get a removal? Anyone Experience something similar before? thanks, Lucas
It is paid? And in good standing? Why remove it? You didn't say if it was a paid charge off or what........
have you disputed with the cra's yet. I would send validation and when you get the green card back, dispute with cra's. this will force a violation if they are unable to validate and continue collection activity by verifying the cra entry.
What would be wrong with waiting for the validation process to end, and then dispute w/ CRA. Has anyone delt with a paid collection like this? thanks, Lucas
nothing is wrong with waiting, but why wait when a simple dispute may remove it. you are making the process much more difficult than it has to be. Secondly, you are creating violation if they are verifying with the cra's while unable to provide validtion. You then have some substantial (hopefully) evidence for a lawsuit to force deletions from the cra or ca (or both) depending on the number and type of response to your requests. it also depends on who the ca is.... which ca is it?