Is this a violation?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by waalien, Oct 26, 2002.

  1. waalien

    waalien Well-Known Member

    Last year I started making payments on a collection account. It was a debt I knew that I owed, so I felt it was the right thing to do.

    I have questions about two things:

    When I first started making payments, I did it through our online banking service, which sends out checks with DH's name on it only. (Collection Acct was in my maiden name.) Apparently in my haste and joy to pay them, I neglected to put an account number on the payment. So they finally figure out where to apply the paymnent and they send a letter -- to DH-- basically saying that as long as HE continued to make payments on the account, they would not put anything on HIS credit report. They couldn't do that anyway, could they? Since we weren't married when the debt was incurred? Is that a violation for them to say that to him?

    Secondly, on MY CR, they have not one, but three entries for the same account. Is that something I can ding them for?

    The reason I want to ding this to them is two months ago I sent them a check paying off the balance stated (by them) as owed of 6/02 plus a little more (I didn't have the statement in front of me, just had a general idea of the exact amount, and was anxious to pay it off - did the same thing with a CC that month, my own idiocy.) I finally got a letter from them today stating that I owe them $190 MORE!!! There's no way that between June and now, that there was $190 in interest on $400, and they claim 12% interest anyway - that's more like 50%!!

    So, are these violations? I really dislike these people and want to triumph over them - they've not been very nice people to deal with.

  2. waalien

    waalien Well-Known Member


    Does anyone know?
  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    On the multiple entries, I would dispute all 3 as, not mine. In your agreement did you get it in writing the way your tradeline would be listed once it was paid? I would send them a letter from DH asking what the hell they were talking about? Charlie
  4. waalien

    waalien Well-Known Member

    Well, no, I started and finished paying on it before I found this wonderful place :(

    I've written them a letter detailing what I think their violations of the FCRA and FDCPA are, a request for validation in the form of an accounting of where the money was applied to, and I will attach a copy of what the woman (upon closer inspection she signed it as "OWNER", how scary) wrote, as well as a copy of the FCRA and FDCPA sections that I think she violated. I guess we'll see where I am in 30 days.

    Thanks for your help! :)
  5. waalien

    waalien Well-Known Member

    since I wasn't able to mail off my letter today, thought I would see if there were any other thoughts before I send it off......

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