Is this possible?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by keltexx, Oct 12, 2001.

  1. Larissa

    Larissa Well-Known Member

    yes...all 3 claim to verify with MBNA
  2. bbauer

    bbauer Banned


    Maybe she don't want to make a liar out of herself.
  3. Larissa

    Larissa Well-Known Member

    True bill, I did that before I knew what I was doing...I know they are mine, I just don't think they should be on the report if MBNA does not own them anymore, and they won't let me pay them either, so they are basically saying..."you are stuck with this Chargeoff, forget about buying a house, because we aren't going to let you pay it either!"

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  5. bbauer

    bbauer Banned


    Don't look like you can win fighting with the pigs. They got bigger tusks than you and anyway about all you get out of them are grunts, squeals and oinks. Nothing you really want to hear. Seems like that's about par for the course.

    How long ago has it been since you sent a certified demand for validation from NCO?
  6. Larissa

    Larissa Well-Known Member

    You mean dispute as duplicate? I tried that dice.
  7. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    So let NCO pay it for you and be happy about taking it off your credit reports too.. And I'm almost willing to bet I can make MBNA do some squealing of their own too.

    And if you have sent NCO a validation letter certified and they verified with the 3 CRAs, you got 3 strikes against them just for starters without anything else to add into the mix.
  8. Larissa

    Larissa Well-Known Member

    Not long enough Bill, only 11 days today. I know that I am just being impatient, I just felt a need to vent about this. It seems I am forever waiting, checking my mailbox first thing when I get home, and none of the things I am waiting for appear. I have 30+ day TU disputes that I have heard nothing on, and Worthknowing shows that they are still there, so.... I also just don't trust MBNA to get rid of the notation once you take care of NCO, so then what?
  9. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    send me an email. The way it is, I don't know who it is I am talking to on the net.

    There are a couple of new things on the list of actions you probably will be glad to hear about even if you aren't quite ready for them yet.
  10. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    How can they say it is NOT a DUPLICATE???
  11. keltexx

    keltexx Well-Known Member

    Actually George, I first disputed it as never late-and it came back verified.
  12. keltexx

    keltexx Well-Known Member

    Sorry-I don't know who is replying to what anymore...
  13. bbauer

    bbauer Banned


    You have an outstanding question there indeed. You make a valid point as far as I am concerned.

    Problem is getting anything out of the pigs but grunts and squeals and oinks and all the while we are the ones who end up rooting around in the mud hoping for even an 'ole acorn they might have somehow left behind.

    They are pretty muchly in the drivers seat and they know it.

    I like to win, and so I don't fiddle with them much until I have a real "bloody club" I can beat them with.
  14. Larissa

    Larissa Well-Known Member

    Sorry keltexx...I should start my own thread I think, so that people can answer your original question and to end the confusion.

    Sorry about that

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