I recently posted a thread about not receiving any responses from my PFD letters. Well, today I received one and it through me for a loop. I sent a PFD to Asset Acceptance for an old Windstream account I had in "03/'04. Todays letter was a so-called "letter of validation" per my request (which is not what i requested) but the info it contained as "validation" was my name, address and account number! Is this really all they need to show as proof that the debt is mine?? They already had that info on the original letter I had received! I'm sure you've been asked this question before, but I hard time finding answers in the site. Should I send them another letter stating that this does not prove that the debt is mine? Or an actual request for validation like the ones in your sample letters? I'm just wanting to get you guys' opinion first so I don't end up getting myself deeper in the hole. I figured that offering to pay a portion of the debt in exchange for deletion was better for them than asking for validation. Sometimes I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels.
The actual letter they sent is likely ok,the dispute is do you have a contract with them and is the balance correct.etc
I did have an account with them back in 2003 (when they were Alltel). But as far as the balance, I'm really not sure what they are charging me for. This was so long ago. I can't recall all the details. I honestly thought this had been taken care of when we moved that year.
So are you really telling me that this letter is okay? We spend all that time coming up with these letters and sending them CMRRR and all they have to send us back is our name and address as validation? Please tell me there's another step in there somewhere that I'm missing. I don't see how any derogatory mark can be deleted with a DV letter in that case. I hope I'm not sounding rude. I'm just kind of shocked and confused I guess.
It would depend on the court.What you asking for is name address and account number.Now you can dispute the ownership the balances the sol find out the dofd it can be disputed.When you ask they answered with their thought on dv.The law is a little vague.No your not rude and its not taken as rude.What i was saying it's their idea.You have to challenge them.You just keep on them.
If the last time you paid on this account as 5 years agoyou m ight be out of SOL . Check your state. Woofer
Date of First Delinquency. That is, the date it became delinquent and was never again brought current.