Is this strategy good?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Dark Jedi, Sep 25, 2007.

  1. Dark Jedi

    Dark Jedi Active Member

    I was thinking of getting two credit cards form different sources.

    I will alternately pay all my regular bills on them like groceries, light, water, internet, phone, etc.., and ensure they are paid in full every *other* month. Never behind, however. Maybe pay half each month?

    This will show usage, a varying amount, and paid on time. I will take an interest hit, but it may be worth the credit boost it gives me, and essentially just for doing what I already do, which is pay my bills on time.
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Until those accounts reach six months of age, you're unlikely to receive any benefit from them in terms of a score boost. They could initially lower your scores by virtue of the inquiries and reducing your overall history.

    Thereafter, however, just make sure that you monthly bills do not account for over 33% of the credit limit for each card.
  3. Dark Jedi

    Dark Jedi Active Member

    Roger that. I knew there had to be a detail I was overlooking.

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