ISO gas card

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by staces5, Dec 27, 2002.

  1. staces5

    staces5 Well-Known Member

    Im hoping you guys can help me out! I need an easy approved gas card ASAP! I am having to use my vehicle for my job and get paid back the gas mileage at the end of every month, so i need a card that i can charge it on, then pay back when i get my mileage check! My exp score is 590 and i filed BK7 10/01, was discharged 3/02....who is likely to give me a card???? THANKS
  2. radi8

    radi8 Well-Known Member

    I got a Chevron (rebuilder) card with a score in that range.

    You have to apply for the regular Chevron card.
    If you are denied, they may offer the rebuilder card to you at that time.

  3. nvbonedoc

    nvbonedoc Well-Known Member

    I didnt find Chevron easy to get. They pull Exp, not EQ as mentioned in previous threads. I was denied and not offered a "credit builder," but I may be blacklisted from a previous BK7.

    NV Bone Doc
  4. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    I had no luck with chevron either with a ch7 disch in 8/02...
  5. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    Chevron DID pull Equifax for me - Approved $600 limit
  6. jas77

    jas77 Well-Known Member

    is it an instant approval online? I got a msg saying I will hear in 7-10 days.... prob. means denied. :(
  7. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    I got that same message, and so did many others. If your approved you'll get an email , I got one around a day after I applied. I don't think chevron even offers instant approval, but I could be wrong.
  8. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    I got approved for a $300 limit, BK'd in 1997 and they pulled EQ for me. I'm in FL. It was not an instant approval. I had to call and find out I was approved but didn't know the limit until the card came.
  9. RichGuy

    RichGuy Well-Known Member

    Texaco and Shell were easier for me to get than Chevron was. That is, they were offered to me sooner in my credit-building process than Chevron was. All three were preapproved; my scores were probably in the 620-640 range at the time.

    I've found CITGO and BP to be liberal with initial credit limits (each gave me 500/250,) and they approved me online when other creditors like Monogram (Exxon/Mobil) would not.

    Does anyone remember the Conoco card that everyone used to recommend for beginners? I think it had to be paid in full every month, but was fairly easy to get.
  10. staces5

    staces5 Well-Known Member

    Thanks to everyone who responded here! I applied for Chevron online and got the 7-10 day we will debating whether to try Conco..there are alot near me and I actually had a card with them years ago. Does anyone know if they are bk friendly??
  11. nvbonedoc

    nvbonedoc Well-Known Member

    If you got the 7-10 day message, I think you are out of luck. Try others.

  12. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    Not True - I received the 7-10 day message when I applied online, as I said above in this thread. The next day I received an email saying I was approved. I now have their premium card, and it came with a $600 limit. Won't be spending $600 in gas, but could come in handy if the car ever needed a major repair or something. I don't believe Chevron ever offers instant approval but I could be wrong. Just because you received the 7-10 day message does not mean you were denied.
  13. staces5

    staces5 Well-Known Member

    JUST FYI....I called Chevron today to check the status of my application and they said it was declined due to BK..i asked about the credit builder plan and the lady told me they do not offer any card to someone with a BK less than 5 years old, so don't waste an inquiry if you are less that 5 years out of BK :-( Oh well....doens't look like im having to good of luck getting a gas card :-(
  14. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    Y'know, I was wondering about the limit thing. I've seen people report that they have $1,000 limits on gas cards but who spends that much on gas unless you travel alot. Didn't even think about using it for other services. But the customer service rep I talked with said that they do not do instant approvals.
  15. AustinGuy

    AustinGuy Well-Known Member

    Having a gas card can be helpful for your insurance too. I did the EQ Auto Score thing and my number one reason was no gas card. When my insurance renews, I'll definitely apply for one.

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