Issues with credit bureaus

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KristyW, Jun 4, 2002.

  1. KristyW

    KristyW Well-Known Member


    I've been reading lately here about a few things that a few people have also written to me about: that the credit bureaus have are now refusing to investigate inquiries, and of course Innovis, though that has been awhile.

    I've got the ear of a national reporter who will be writing up a column about getting your credit report and reading it, and I would like to ask for what you guys see as the mail problems with the credit reporting agencies (I know there are 1000's of problems, but just the main few.) His deadline is tomorrow (he just called me about 5 minutes ago.) He is a consumer advocate.

    Can you guys help me out? I'm giving him the name of this website also as reference. He would really like specific examples.

  2. anesthesia

    anesthesia Well-Known Member

    Let him know that eventhough the FCRA clearly states that if a consumer has evidence that what is being reported on a credit report is inaccurate, they must take into consideration this evidence to correct the inaccuracy. Experian especially willfully violates this. I am working with a collection agency and a bank who have multiple times tried to correct the inaccurate tradelines being reported by EXP and EXP has ignored them. They even sent me copies of their deletion letters and UDF's and EXP still keeps verifying. I went to apply for a mortgage last week and I will be paying a higher interest rate and higher points because of the erroneous information on my EXP report. I have completed my case and am filing suit tomorrow. The average consumer should not have to sue to have gross inaccuracies removed from our reports. EXP is very smug and aloof, which is evident when talking to one of their customer service reps. Try it sometime.
  3. KristyW

    KristyW Well-Known Member

    Hey Thanks! Shall I pass along your email address?
  4. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    I agree, I had to sue a cra to get some inaccurate information deleted from my report.I disputed the information twice, they verified it twice, Iasked them how they verified no answer.I sent them an intent to sue letter and they wrote me back saying the info was verified correctly. I won of course! I had to threaten to sue a ca for the same thing. The avg consumer doesn't even know how to dispute, let alone what other rights they have (attorney general, small claims).
  5. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    That's because it's easier to just stamp it varified without actually doing anything. Think of all that time and money that is saved.

  6. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    The "commencement of delinquency date", Kristy, it's required reporting within 90 days under the FCRA and none of the agencies disclose it.

    And while you've a reporter's ear, here's a 1995 article on equifax, he was looking into a crystal ball!

    I've really a wild hair about the lack of privacy in reporting.

    Marie has several threads floating around on TU's system being antiquated and not capable of meeting the FCRA requirements. It doesn't allow disputes to be noted; the fraud alert is flawed.

    And just so experian isn't left out:

    They don't even have the decency to tell the governor of california nor the employees whos personal information was violated of their right to a free report, their right to verify or validate, nor anything that would truly be effective for dealing with identity fraud or inaccuracies. Instead, they take the greedy low road, charge 9 bucks for violated employee's reports, and promote their monitoring service.

  7. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Sassy, I understand that TU is behind the times. Why doesn't everyone sue them just on the fact that they don't notate disputes? Charlie
  8. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    hmmmmmm charlie,

    good question, LOL, I dunno, ask Marie ;-). I LOVE that answer.

    sorryyyyyyyyyyyyy charlie!

    I'm thinking at that point, when you're building a papertrail, it really only helps us each as individuals as we go into court and it is leverage against TU, but in small claims court especially where damages are required, what would they be at the point that they have only not marked items as disputed.

    I don't know really how effective it would be for an individual to sue for that specifically, I guess it depends what your goals are and most here seem to be pursuing accurate credit or a decent rating or better credit -- as a violation it helps you get there as part of a process, it's just one other thing they can't or won't do.

    It would be a great class action suit.

    My problem is, they know what the law says, they know the FTC has a lot longer arm than any of us, and still they won't do it.

  9. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    The biggest problem,in my opinion, is that the FTC is a toothless wonder in enforcing the law.Why should consumers have to go through all the hassle of complaints and suing to enforce the law for the Feds?
    If someone robs a bank, do the bank officers have to track down the thief and sue him to get back the money he stole?
  10. KristyW

    KristyW Well-Known Member

    Great stuff everyone, I'm sure he will love that story about the Governor of California, LOL!
  11. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Hi Gang,

    I just went and bought Kristy's books.

    She did a great job on those.

  12. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Sassy, You are SASSY aren't you? I guess I should start signing sorrryyy charlie
  13. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    Did you try the interactive credit repair plan at her site, that's cool.

    You've great information Kristy, thanks!

    Can you BELIEVE that the Governor doesn't even rank for his free report, I still can't believe it! Let's me know right where I stand, LOL

  14. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    You've not been talking to my mother have you? LOL, it's just you've got that commercial stuck in my head now.

  15. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Heck I can't even find it. lol
  16. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

  17. KristyW

    KristyW Well-Known Member

    Thanks, guys.

    One more thing! I need a copy of any of the bureaus written refusal to investigate inquiries ASAP! Can anyone fax it to me? The reporter I just talked to needs one for documentation.

  18. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    If someone robs a bank, do the bank officers have to track down the thief and sue him to get back the money he stole?

    Why Chat
    This is exactly what they are doing to us and we excuse it with phrases such as
    It's a system, the model, punishment, penalty sentence etc.
    Why don't we do the same thing with theives,robbers,murders,rapest Etc.?


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